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He wished to point out to his brethren and sisters in the Lord what was to be feared from the idols and their overthrow, what the world really owed to the heathen, and what he expected from his fellow-believers when the splendid and imminent triumph of the Church should be achieved. "Let us look back a little, my beloved," he said, after this brief introduction.

Through the performance of their first duty they will derive the necessary stimulus and obtain the necessary guidance that will enable them to prosecute effectively their mission, and will also, through their regular reports to that committee, be imparting to the general body of their fellow-believers the news of the latest developments in their activities.

At this the horror-stricken girl pictured to herself the widow and daughter of Rufinus at her side on the condemned bench before the judges, and felt that denial would drag her friends to destruction with her; with quivering lips she confirmed the old man's statement. "And why did you toll the bell?" asked the Kadi. "To help them," replied Paula. "They are my fellow-believers, and I love them."

Not to the rude North, but to this society, so pagan, so pleasure-loving, came the first missionaries of the new Christian faith, to meet in the arenas of Gaul the fate of their fellow-believers in Rome, to hide in subterranean caves and crypts, to endure, to persist, and finally to conquer.

And I beseech you, my fellow-believers in Jesus Christ, not to supply the other side with arguments against Christianity, by showing that it is possible for a man to say and to suppose that he sets his heart on God, and yet to bear but little leafage of beauty or grace of character. Goodness is beauty; beauty is goodness.

It was contemptible in the daughter of a Roman patrician. Oh, he must never know it. If he should learn that he lived at such a cost, he would kill himself." "You also discovered that the hiding place of my fellow-believers was betrayed, and hastened there in advance of the others?" "I informed Manlius of it two days before, but he shrank from entering my house.

My fellow-believers left every Christian fane untouched that I know from our chief Amru himself." "It was the principal church of the Melchites, the Emperor's minions," cried the guide, as if that were ample explanation of the fact. The merchant, however, did not take it so. "Well," he said, "and what is there so dreadful in their creed?" "What?" said the Egyptian, and his eye flashed wrathfully.

If she resisted the Roman her life was in danger, and the fury of the populace would be aroused against her fellow-believers if, on the other hand, she obeyed him, she would be blaspheming God, breaking her faith to the Saviour who loved her, sinning against the truth and her own conscience. A fearful dread fell upon her, and deprived her of the power to lift her soul in prayer.

"You will bring them no good!" cried the beggar. "Who knows what is hidden there in the basket?" "Silence!" interrupted the tribune. "They say, girl that your fellow-believers overthrew the statue of Caesar in the night." "How should that be? We honor Caesar no less than you do." "I will believe you, and you shall prove it. There stands the statue of the divine Caesar.

It was undoubtedly in the young man's handwriting and addressed to Paula, and the final words: "But do not misunderstand me. Your noble, and only too well-founded desire to lend succor to your fellow-believers would have sufficed...." could not fail to make a deep impression.