United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Several of the older men pushed back their plates and began drumming oh the table-cloth with their fingers, a far-away look in their eyes. One or two talked in whispers, their coffee untasted. Old Mr. Lang looked down the line of empty seats and took his place with a dejected air.

He would die; he would go to some place where he would be understood. It was useless to expect appreciation of his profound and fine sense from such men as the lieutenant. He must look to the grave for comprehension. The skirmish fire increased to a long clattering sound. With it was mingled far-away cheering. A battery spoke. Directly the youth could see the skirmishers running.

What America was to Spain in the proud days of that nation's glory Australia has been to England, and that too, without the crime of wholesale murder, and the spilling of rivers of blood, as was the case in the days of Cortez and Pizarro. The wealth poured into the lap of England by these far-away colonies belittles all the riches which the Spaniards realized by the conquests of Mexico and Peru.

Such things, however, are not said for long ears. Every word, also, is not suited for every mouth. These are fine far-away things: at them sheep's claws shall not grasp! Ye higher men, think ye that I am here to put right what ye have put wrong? Or that I wished henceforth to make snugger couches for you sufferers? Or show you restless, miswandering, misclimbing ones, new and easier footpaths?

Yet and this was one of the strange things of that strange country, which we accepted without curiosity and without argument there was, in that far-away region, a mysterious fashion by which news got about over great distances.

The solid achievements, spiritual as well as administrative, which in the far-away continent of Australasia, and more recently in Bulgaria, representative believers from both Canada and the United States have accomplished, proclaim in terms unmistakable the nature of those prizes which, even in this world, such sterling heroism is bound to win. “Whoso,” Bahá’u’lláh, in a memorable passage, extolling those of His loved ones who havejourneyed through the countries in His Name and for His praise,” has written, “hath attained their presence will glory in their meeting, and all that dwell in every land will be illumined by their memory.”

Another thing which strikes the imagination is the sight, after the lapse of so many centuries, of the erasures on various inscribed stones erasures of some emperor's or Caesar's name after his death by the chisel of a soldier in one of his legions on this far-away post of his empire.

However, as regards the number of Christians in the world, the figures given above are, within a few millions, probably accurate. Trans. Narcisse had told Pierre how carefully the embassies at Rome watched the doings of the Propaganda, for the missions were often the instruments of one or another nation, and exercised decisive influence in far-away lands.

But after the chill came a fever, and with the fever came dreams, most disturbing dreams, in which were sounds of crunching gravel, then far-away voices voices that I seemed to have heard in another world. A door was opened, and then oh! how can I ever tell you in the hall came Faye's mother!