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I may say that I have appreciated the British sense of justice and fairplay displayed by the "North-China Daily News" in inviting a statement of the Chinese case in its own columns on questions one of which concerns British interests in no small degree, and the discussion cannot be conducted under a better spirit than that expressed in the motto of the senior British journal in the Far East: "Impartial not Neutral."

Flint looked at his counsel once more, and wondered whether he could be mentally failing. "Fairplay only gives him two hundred." "Fairplay only gave him ten, in the beginning," said Hilary. "You come here two days before the convention and tell me Crewe has three hundred and fifty!" Mr. Flint exclaimed, as though Hilary Vane were personally responsible for Mr. Crewe's delegates.

Flint looked at his counsel once more, and wondered whether he could be mentally failing. "Fairplay only gives him two hundred." "Fairplay only gave him ten, in the beginning," said Hilary. "You come here two days before the convention and tell me Crewe has three hundred and fifty!" Mr. Flint exclaimed, as though Hilary Vane were personally responsible for Mr. Crewe's delegates.

'I'll gie ye the start o' me up to yon stane wi' the heather growin oot o' the tap o' 't. 'Na, na; I'll hae nane o' that! answered Francis. 'Fairplay to a'! 'Ye'd better tak it! 'Aff wi' ye, or I winna rin at a'! cried the boy, and away they went.

It is not the love of righteousness in the abstract that makes anyone righteous, but such a love of fairplay toward everyone with whom we come into contact, that anything less than the fulfilling, with a clear joy, of our divine relation to him or her, is impossible.

Certainly this Elector was one of the shiftiest of men; not an unjust man either; a pious, God-fearing man rather, stanch to his Protestantism and his Bible; not unjust by any means, nor, on the other hand, by any means thin-skinned in his interpretings of justice: Fairplay to myself always, or occasionally even the Height of Fairplay.

Crewe reflected, and although he did not have time to assure himself on these historical points, the thought stayed him. 'Et tu, Brute! Moreover, Mr. Peter Pardriff had something of his own to say. Crewe's candidacy. Here are some of the answers, duly tabulated. "Negligible." Congressman Fairplay. "One less vote for the Honourable Adam B. Hunt." The Honourable Jacob Botcher.

The Honourable Adam put the paper down, and walked up the street to talk to Mr. Burrows, the postmaster whom, with the aid of Congressman Fairplay, he had had appointed at Edmundton. The two racked their brains for three hours; and Postmaster Burrows, who was the fortunate possessor of a pass, offered to go down to Ripton in the interest of his liege lord and see what was up.

Crewe reflected, and although he did not have time to assure himself on these historical points, the thought stayed him. 'Et tu, Brute! Moreover, Mr. Peter Pardriff had something of his own to say. Crewe's candidacy. Here are some of the answers, duly tabulated. "Negligible." Congressman Fairplay. "One less vote for the Honourable Adam B. Hunt." The Honourable Jacob Botcher.

And we came to Jerusalem. EZRA viii. 22, 23, 31, 32. The memory of Ezra the scribe has scarcely had fairplay among Bible-reading people. True, neither his character nor the incidents of his life reach the height of interest or of grandeur belonging to the earlier men and their times.