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With such a turn of mind he could not long continue to act cordially with any body of men. All the prejudices, all the exaggerations, of both the great parties in the state moved his scorn. He despised the mean arts and unreasonable clamours of demagogues. He despised still more the doctrines of divine right and passive obedience.

Master of his trade as few have ever been, alive to all its difficulties, possessing the most subtle secrets of its technique, he despised the contortions and exaggerations which simple minds confound with the science of music. He followed out the course he had set for himself without any concern for what they might say about him.

But after all he had heard from his friend the Government servant, and after all his own exaggerations, a visit from the Lieutenant-Governor seemed the most natural thing in the world. He became highly nervous and excited at my news. Each detail of the coming visit exercised him greatly most of all his own ignorance of English. How on earth was that difficulty to be met?

She liked to impress Levison and other with highly-coloured reminiscences of her grand acquaintances; even the Tremenheeres with whom she had quarrelled so bitterly were dragged in and shown off as intimates. More than once Shafto had felt his face burn, as exaggerations and glorifications were unfolded in his parent's far-carrying and assertive treble. Besides Mr.

'It's no more than we've all believed all along, said the old gentleman, 'and why are we to let a fellow like that get the seat if we can keep him out? He was of opinion that everything should be done to make the rumour with all its exaggerations as public as possible, so that there should be no opening for an indictment for libel; and the clever old gentleman was full of devices by which this might be effected.

It was a heart-shaped face, a thin, white heart, the peak of her hair cutting into the center of her forehead. The mouth struck a note of life with its dull, soft red. There was not lacking in this young face the slight exaggerations necessary to romantic beauty. Sheila had a strange, arresting sort of jaw, a trifle over-accentuated and out of drawing.

That mysticism has been a large factor in the war spirit of the Germans in the late war can hardly be doubted, or at least that a religious element of some kind has played a great part in it. The war began as Germany's holy war. A cult of State and of self-worship are involved in it. If not, innumerable expressions of Germany's cause among German writers are simply literary exaggerations.

"Certain persons are disposed to pervert the events of May 31 and June 2, by atrocious exaggerations and the grossest fables, and prevent the fortunate results they present from being seen.

Rickards and Elise Levitt. Elise, if you cared to be critical, had the same defects: short legs, loose hips; the same exaggerations: the toppling breasts underpinned by the shafts of her stays. Not Mr. Waddington's taste. And yet and yet Elise had contrived a charming and handsome effect out of black eyes and the milk-white teeth in the ivory-white face.

But this is a very slow process, and the exaggerations of travellers have diffused a vast deal of popular error on the subject. Sands of Egypt.