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He then asked to receive the sacrament, which the Bishop administered, after the customary mass. Egmont asked what prayer would be most appropriate at the hour of execution. His confessor replied that there was none more befitting than the one which Jesus had taught his disciples Our Father, which art in heaven.

"Even the death of H'yemba! Let him be cast from the parapet to death in the white rushing river far below!" All echoed the cry: "Death to all traitors, from the rock!" "So be it, then," Stern concluded. "Ye have spoken, and it shall be written as a Law. From Execution Rock shall all conspirators be cast. Now go!" He dismissed them.

The bodies were left as a repast for dogs and leopards; for no Corean with a sound mind could be induced to go near the spot where they lay, lest the spirits of their departed souls should play some evil trick upon them. The morning following this execution I took many sketches of the ghastly scene and the mutilated bodies.

He enlisted in the first place as a common soldier in the militia of Barinos, and was soon after captured by the Spanish forces. His execution, together with that of all the other prisoners, was ordered, and would have taken place on the following day but for some circumstances which enabled him to give his captors the slip.

Later he draws the plan of a canal that was to bring coals from Monkland to Glasgow, and superintends the execution of it.

It is hardly possible to see anything more graceful and spirited, truer at once to nature and the finest art, than these compositions, faithful in the minutest details of execution, and highly poetical in their entire conception. Lady Dacre was the finest female rider and driver in England; that is saying, in the world.

If anything arrested him upon the cabin's threshold, delayed him in the execution of the thing he had resolved upon, no doubt it was sheer curiosity as to what further extravagances Rosamund might yet have it in her mind to utter. "This man has suffered," she told him, and was not put off by the hard laugh with which he mocked that statement.

In addition to very facile execution and a rich, mellow tone, he possessed the most refined taste.

They moved for something like the imprisonment of Gwynplaine and the execution of the wolf, or at any rate for their banishment. The question was one of public importance, the danger to persons passing, etc. And on this point, they appealed to the Faculty.

Her heart beat so wildly that it made her lips tremble, and her bosom swell high. Henry saw it, and smiled; but it was a cold, cruel smile, and Catharine grew pale before it. "He has only the smile of a tyrant," said she to herself. "With this same smile, by which he would now give expression to his love, he yesterday, perhaps, signed a death-warrant, or will, to-morrow, witness an execution."