United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Business, when evaluating men for promotion, asks whether there is harmony at home so that this man will be free from the greatest single source of emotional unbalance, and whether this man and his wife have demonstrated the ability to grow in the past the best available indication of their ability to grow in the future.

Doris Rives had finished evaluating the completed tests; after dinner, she intended going over the written portions of the uncompleted tests. "How'd the finished tests come out?" Melroy asked her. "Better than I'd expected. Only two washouts," she replied. "Harvey Burris and Julius Koffler." "Oh, no!" Keating wailed. "The I.F.A.W. steward, and the loudest-mouthed I-know-my-rights boy on the job!"

The hangover was disappearing magically. But this flow of information was nearly as bad. A space drive? Bessie knew she couldn't evaluate one way or the other on that. That would be Nails' problem. But they were in a pickle, and it would be up to her to see that Nails didn't waste too much time evaluating things.

In the part that sound water resource projects play in providing irrigation, power, and flood control. We must also recognize the special needs of particular regions of the country in evaluating the need for additional projects. The Global 2000 Report to the President, prepared in response to my 1977 Environment Message, is the first of its kind.

Human and Traiti circled cautiously, evaluating each other. Hovan watched, hoping the judge's precautions would be adequate, though he didn't suspect Valkan of any true hostility toward Steve not after seeing the K'horan fighter's reaction when Steve accepted challenge.

Remember of the present one part of the Apache's mind was wryly amused at that snarled estimate of their situation. Men who had been dropped into their racial and ancestral pasts until the present time was less real than the dreams conditioning them had a difficult job evaluating any situation. But since Menlik had clung to his knowledge of English, he must be less far down that stairway.

"I think, when you hear this, that you and Gerd will both want to come out and see these little people. If you can, bring somebody who's a qualified psychologist, somebody capable of evaluating the Fuzzies' mentation. Jack wasn't kidding about early Paleolithic. If they're not sapient, they only miss it by about one atomic diameter." Jimenez looked almost as startled as the Fuzzies had.

The outcome of its influence is that expertness in practical living and expertness in evaluating life, instead of uniting to take advantage of a common opportunity, are set against each other. This is the profound dualism which remains to be mastered. It can be mastered by the concentration upon human needs and powers. It is the sole authentic mode of revelation.

There must be some decision; for is not society being more and more broken up into small sections, possessing the most variable standards of life, and evaluating things in a diversity of ways? Such an inward schism must weaken any effort on the part of humanity to combine for ideal ends.

We do not hesitate to put a cornfield where "Nature" had a forest, or to replace a barren hillside by the sea with a city. Necessities and possibilities, not "purposes" in nature, claim our attention reproduction being one of those embarrassing necessities, viewed through the eyes of man, the one evaluating animal in the world.