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But if that general definition of goods, wares and merchandise are supposed to include African Slaves, why may we not particularly enumerate them, and lay the duty pointed out by the Constitution, which, as gentlemen tell us, is no more than five per cent upon their value; this will not increase the burden upon any, but it will be that manifestation of our sense, expected by our constituents, and demanded by justice and humanity.

Two days after, Charlie came back to the office, thoroughly mortified and penitent for his outrage, voluntarily gave up the paper, and apologized in the amplest manner for his folly. I might enumerate other instances by the score, were it necessary, to show the character of the boy with whom I had to deal. But these are probably sufficient.

Such knowledge may be of the senses, as the sight of the sun or the sound of thunder; or it may be of the reason, such as that the whole is greater than its parts. We may then enumerate four kinds of things known directly without the help of other knowledge, The percepts of the senses. Truths generally admitted by reason of their self-evidence.

But were I to enumerate the ghastly sights, the stifling loathsome odours, the vulgar horrors upon horrors this refined young lady faced, few of my readers would endure on paper for love of truth what she endured in reality for love of suffering humanity, and of Him whose servant she aspired to be.

Indeed, that year was so full of events, that my narration would be too much swelled if I were to enumerate them all. I had not forgotten the cachette at our landing-place.

If I should begin to enumerate her perfections of person and character I should never care to stop. Her educational advantages had been far above the average, and she had improved them in a manner to gratify her friends and create for herself abundant mental resources.

For 'Rione' is only a corruption of the Latin 'Regio, the same with our 'Region, by which English word it will be convenient to speak of these divisions that played so large a part in the history of the city during many successive centuries. For the sake of clearness, it is as well to enumerate them in their order and with the numbers that have always belonged to each.

It would detain us too long, and it were somewhat beside our present purpose, to enumerate the mischievous consequences which result from this practice.

Manifestly, it is impossible and needless to recall any number of these here by even the briefest description; and merely to enumerate the chief among them would be to repeat a familiar catalogue, except as they illustrate the points of a later general consideration. Mr. It is loaded with detail of every kind and description: you are let off nothing."

For the former, where can he apply so advantageously as to Mr. Wythe? For the latter, he must come to Europe: the medical class of students, therefore, is the only one which need come to Europe. Let us view the disadvantages of sending a youth to Europe. To enumerate them all, would require a volume. I will select a few. If he goes to England, he learns drinking, horse-racing, and boxing.