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As the boys grow up, they soon learn to hunt; and then they go out with their fathers to hunt the guanaco and the ostrich. Perhaps you have read in fairy tales of very little people called dwarfs. There are old stories which tell us about very small men who lived a long time ago in Africa. They were called pygmies. They were only one foot high, and they built their houses with eggshells.

Well, I have always held strongly that men ought to know when to stop. There is nothing more melancholy and contemptible than to see a successful man, who has brought out a brood of fine things, sitting meekly on addled eggs, or, still worse, squatting complacently among eggshells.

Only to old Cassie, the scrub-woman, who was young Cassie then, did she confide her fear. From her she received a charm compounded of goose eggshells and vinegar which Cassie claimed to be what they used in Ireland to unbewitch changelings. She kept the charm hidden for months under her pillow. It proved comforting, although absolutely ineffectual.

He had, indeed, been interested in them before he ever saw them while they were still within the roundish white eggshells, and did not need to be fed because there was food enough in the egg to last them all the days until they hatched. Yes, many a time he had kept those eggs warm while Mrs.

I have a fief in the Rue Tirechappe, and all the women are in love with me, as true as Saint Eloy was an excellent goldsmith, and that the five trades of the good city of Paris are the tanners, the tawers, the makers of cross-belts, the purse-makers, and the sweaters, and that Saint Laurent was burnt with eggshells. I swear to you, comrades.

Amy was at breakfast in her room, sobbing and sipping, moaning and munching, for, though her grief was great, her appetite was good, and she was in no mood to see anything comical in cracking eggshells while she bewailed her broken heart, or in eating honey in the act of lamenting the bitterness of her fate.

It must have struck me. I'm not much hurt, am I? "'No, Dean, I answered, 'not much hurt, only a little bruised. "'Have you any water, Hardy? he asked, 'I am so thirsty! "It was fortunate that I had brought some in the eggshells, and in a moment I had given him a drink. It did me good to see him smile, as I handed him the water, and ask where I got such odd cups from.

For a mighty flood, rushing through banks from the west, yellow with mud, noisy as a storm, eddying islands of branches, stumps, whole trees, took possession of the fair stream they had followed so long. It shot across the current of the Mississippi in entering so that the canoes danced like eggshells and were dangerously forced to the eastern bank.

After the feast was over and the guests were going away, the godmother laid the baby in the cradle, and said to the queen, 'Whenever the baby goes to sleep, be sure you lay the basket beside her, and leave the eggshells in it.

"It will be dark before you know it." "Oh, it won't take long to look," answered Shep. The old cabin was surrounded by weeds and bushes, and they had to fairly work their way to the doorway. "Somebody has been here, that's certain," cried the doctor's son. "Here are eggshells and newly picked chicken feathers." "Hello, in there!" cried Whopper, poking his head into the small doorway.