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Eggleston in his "History of the United States and Its People" reports the battle, and says: "In the war which followed this attack, the whole Pequot tribe was broken up, and the other Indians were so terrified that New England had peace for many years after." All this is true, for Eggleston is a fine historian, who always relates the events truthfully and accurately.

"I am amazed, sir! surely Mr Eggleston never desired you to make use of this language to me?"

Verily, the ways of girls are beyond understanding. Eurie enjoyed it all. When Dr. Eggleston told of the men that, as soon as their children grew a little too restless, had business down town, she clapped her hands softly and whispered: "That is for all the world like father.

The marriage of a friend residing in Albany had called Olga thither, and in the confusion and hurried preparation incident to the journey she had found, or at least improved, no leisure to refer to the subject of the remarks made by Mrs. Carew and Mr. Chesley relative to Mr. Eggleston. Mr. Congreve and Mrs.

"Good Heaven, Sir," cried Cecilia, "what calculation are you making out? do you call last week last September?" "No, madam; but I call last September the month in which you were married." "You will find yourself, then, sir, extremely mistaken; and Mr Eggleston is preparing himself for much disappointment, if he supposes me so long in arrears with him."

N. P. Eggleston, formerly of Stockbridge, in a paper on village improvements written for the "New York Tribune," thus describes the collateral work and influences of the Laurel Hill Association: "Next followed the planting of trees by the roadside wherever trees were lacking.

Eggleston says: "The savages themselves were not more fond of dancing than were the colonists who came after them. Dancing schools were forbidden in New England by the authorities but dancing could not be repressed in an age in which the range of conversation was necessarily narrow and the appetite for physical activity and excitement almost insatiable."

"The truth, madam, is this; Mr Eggleston is at present in a little difficulty about some money matters, which makes it a point with him of some consequence to have the affair settled speedily: unless you could conveniently compromise the matter, by advancing a particular sum, till it suits you to refund the whole that is due to him, and quit the premises."

I don't know what this is all about; but I'll soon see, and block any encores." "Quite right," says Mr. Hubbard. "This is all extremely annoying. Such a rabble!" "Positively disgusting!" adds Pinckney. "A crowd of smelly foreigners! Shorty, you should put a stop to this." "Trust me," says I. "Ah, here we have the guilty party!" and in comes Swifty towin' Eggleston K. by the collar.

"One of his daughters, I should judge. I hear he has two." "Pretty?" "Well, I hardly know. Have you had any callers?" "Yes. I suppose you met them. They made a very long call." "You mean the Egglestons?" "Yes, Miss Josie and little Agnes Eggleston and Mrs. Monroe. They stayed here over an hour. I thought you would meet them."

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