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About a pint of clotted blood was found in the cavity of the belly, which had probably been effused from the divided vessels of the liver. As his habit was delicate, and had been lately rendered more feeble by ill health, particularly by a disorder of the stomach and bowels, I carefully avoided all those remedies which are usually indicated on such occasions.

The distinction between incised wounds inflicted during life and after death is found in the fact that a wound inflicted during life presents the appearances already described, whereas in a post-mortem incised wound only a small quantity of liquid venous blood is effused; the edges are close, yielding, inelastic; the blood is not effused into the cellular tissue, and there are no signs of vital reaction.

The less severe forms of contusion are associated with ecchymosis, numerous minute and discrete punctate hæmorrhages being scattered through the superficial layers of the skin, which is slightly œdematous. The effused blood is soon reabsorbed.

"It is evident that the French principles of liberty and equality have been effused into the minds of the negroes, and that the incautious and intemperate use of the words by some whites among us have inspired them with hopes of success."

For else another man's wickedness might be my evil which God would not have, that it might not be in another man's power to make me unhappy: which nothing now can do but mine own wickedness. LIV. The sun seemeth to be shed abroad. And indeed it is diffused but not effused.

A considerable quantity is effused and organized, the membrane is thickened, perhaps permanently so, and the whole of the submucous cellular tissue becomes oedematous. The dog is subject to sudden attacks of 'angina'. It has been imagined, from the appearances that are manifested, that some strange body is arrested in the windpipe or the throat.

In these cases inflammation soon followed, and it was only by carefully and daily evacuating the fluid effused under the eschar that I at length succeeded in effecting an adherent eschar free from surrounding inflammation. This remark cannot be too often repeated.

The soft parts are unbroken and that makes an accurate diagnosis difficult, but I must warn you that there is an immediate risk to his life from shock and perhaps compression " "Oh, my God!" said Kenny, his eyes wet. "You see, Mr. O'Neill," said the doctor sadly, "there may be depressed fragments of bone or effused blood. We are watching closely. But I think you had better come to him at once.

When any secreted fluid is produced in an unusual quantity, and at the same time the power of absorption is increased in equal proportion, not only the heat of the gland becomes more intense, but the secreted fluid becomes thicker and milder, its thinner and saline parts being re-absorbed: and these are distinguishable both by their greater consistence, and by their heat, from the fluids, which are effused by the retrograde motions of the lymphatics; as is observable towards the termination of gonorrhoea, catarrh, chincough, and in those ulcers, which are said to abound with laudable pus.

When extravasation has already taken place, massage is the most speedy and efficacious means of dispersing the effused blood. The part should be massaged several times a day, unless the presence of blebs or abrasions of the skin prevents this being done.