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It differs from the small intestine, however, in its lining of mucous membrane and in the arrangement of the muscular coat. Serous coat. 2. Circular layer of muscle. 3. Submucous coat. 4. Mucous membrane. 5. Muscular bands extending lengthwise over the intestine. *Work of the Large Intestine.*—The large intestine serves as a receptacle for the materials from the small intestine.

As many as a dozen have been found attached to the epiglottis and pharynx of a bullock, producing such irritation and submucous effusion that death has eventually ensued; and so tenacious are the leeches that even after death they retain their hold for some hours.

If the prevailing symptoms have led our attention to the lungs, we find inflammation of the bronchial passages, or, in a few instances, of the substance of the lungs, or the submucous tissue of the cells. We rarely have inflammation of the pulmonary pleura, and never to any extent of the intercostal pleura. In a few lingering cases, tubercles and vomicae of the lungs have been found.

The best known of these are the systematic forms of fibromatosis met with in the central nervous system and in the peripheral nerves neuro-fibromatosis; in the submucous coat of the stomach gastric fibromatosis; and in the colon intestinal fibromatosis. These conditions will be described with the tissues and organs in which they occur.

In the case of the reflex function alone the muscles are excited by a stimulus acting mediately and indirectly in a curved and reflex course, along superficial subcutaneous or submucous nerves proceeding from the medulla. The first three of these causes of muscular motion may act on detached limbs or muscles. The last requires the connection with the medulla to be preserved entire.

Morrison's pills contain aloes and colocynth; aloes is also the chief ingredient in Holloway's pills. Symptoms. Vomiting, purging, tenesmus, etc., followed by cold sweats, collapse, or convulsions. Post-Mortem Appearances. Inflammation of alimentary canal; ulceration, softening, and submucous effusion of dark blood. Treatment. Diluents, opium, stimulants, abdominal fomentations, etc.

It would appear that the most marked changes take place in the submucous tissue, causing the covering epithelium in places to die and leave small superficial ulcers, for example in gonorrhœal urethritis, the cicatricial contraction of the scar subsequently leading to the formation of stricture. When mucous glands are present in the membrane, the pus is mixed with mucus muco-pus.

The layman will say that the bowels are in this cavity, but they are not; they project into the cavity, and their outside covering is the lining membrane of the peritoneal cavity, but they are truly on the outside of the cavity, and to enable the layman to understand the anatomy so that he can apply it when reading of the disease, I shall describe the course of an ulcer: If an ulcer starts in the bowel it first eats through the mucous coat which is the lining membrane of the bowel then through the submucous coat, which is the second layer or coat of the bowel, then through the muscular coat, which is the third layer of the bowel; this brings the ulcer to the serous coat or peritoneum.

A considerable quantity is effused and organized, the membrane is thickened, perhaps permanently so, and the whole of the submucous cellular tissue becomes oedematous. The dog is subject to sudden attacks of 'angina'. It has been imagined, from the appearances that are manifested, that some strange body is arrested in the windpipe or the throat.