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The suggestion there received the presence of this dropper, still containing the stuff, the finding of traces of henbane in the ear of the dead man seem to lead to a conclusion " "The only possible conclusion! It's an openand shut case!" cried Shane, rising, and striding toward Eunice. "Mrs, Embury, I arrest you for the wilful murder of your husband!" "Don't you dare touch me!"

"After the most profound praise and flattery, and the present of a little glass medicine dropper which I chanced to have with me, and a small quantity of arsenic, which he tested with very satisfactory results, on a dog, he gave me a portion of the drug, but I'm sorry to say I could not prevail on the old scoundrel to give or sell the secret of its composition," concluded Hilyard regretfully, lifting the phial with tenderness.

I don't think she knew what kind of place it was, or she wouldn't have come." He paused, as though he had something on his mind. "Go on," urged Kennedy. "Tell all. You must tell all." "I was just thinking," he hesitated. "I remember I saw Ike the Dropper and Marie Margot there that day, too, with Martin Ogleby " "Martin Ogleby!" interrupted Carton in surprise. "Yes, Martin Ogleby.

If the temperature of the disk is at, or slightly above, the boiling point, water dropped on it from a medicine dropper will boil; but if the disk is heated to 340 degrees F., the drop practically retains its roundness becoming only slightly oblate and does not boil.

There you accidentally let fall perhaps from your breast pocket- -the little glass dropper you had used and as you bent over the old lady, she grabbed at you, and felt your jersey sleeve even bit at it and tasted raspberry jam. That jam got on that sleeve as you climbed up past the Patterson's window, where a jar of it was on the window-sill "

Harris is apparently the oracle on beauty," mused Kennedy. "Yes. He must make a lot of money there." "They must have some graft, though, besides the beauty parlour," went on Kennedy. "They wouldn't be giving up money to Ike the Dropper if that was all there was." "No, and that is where the doped cigarette comes in. That is why I want to go again. I imagine it's like the Montmartre.

Then, too, in the other house You remember I spoke about the girl whom we saw paying Ike the Dropper? It seems that she has a similar position at the telephone over there." "So they have two telephones," repeated Craig. "Yes." "Good. There are always likely to be some desperate characters in places like that.

In case of injuries and irritation to the lids by foreign bodies, the eye may be flooded with a three per cent water solution of boric acid twice daily, or as often as necessary. Such washes or lotions may be applied with a small piece of absorbent cotton, using a fresh piece each time the eye is dressed. A medicine dropper may also be used.

Safe into the weeds hurls the fish; the man, as soon as he finds the fish stop, jumps in mid-leg deep, and staggers up to him, in hopes of clearing; finds the dropper fast in the weeds, and the stretcher, which had been in the fish's mouth, wantoning somewhere in the depths Quid plura? Let us draw a veil over that man's return to shore. No mortal skill could have killed that fish.

I mention above all the figure of the ducat or gold-dropper which has probably been attenuated from a superstition to a joke, and around it are gathered such expressions ashe has gold like muck,” “he must have a gold dropper at his house”; then the description of bloody hemorrhoids as golden veins; the fabulous animals that produce as excrement gold and precious things.