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"It's a shame, doncheknow," he cried as soon as he could decently get at his favorite theme, "that the English-speaking peoples should be so hopelessly divided just now " "Hold on, Lord Conny," interrupted Grahame, "you're talking Greek to Dillon.

We ought to make him ashamed between us, doncheknow." Arthur had doubts of that, but no doubt at all that Lord Constantine owned the finest heart that ever beat in a man. He felt very cheerful at the thought of shaking up the Minister. Half hopeful of success, curious to test the strings which move an American Minister at the court of St.

Before, we had to reunite the Irish and the English. Now, we must soothe the prejudices of bigots besides. Oh, but you should see the programme of His Excellency for the alliance in his mind. You'll feel it when you get back home. A regular programme, doncheknow.

As I was saying, we are divided at home, and here it is much worse. The Irish here hate us worse than their brethren at home hate us, doncheknow thank you, Miss Ledwith, I really will not use that word again and all the races settled with you seem to dislike one another extremely.

Arthur, m'lud has a theory that the English-speaking peoples should do something together, doncheknow, and the devil of it is to get 'em together, doncheknow." They all laughed save Anne, who looked awful at this scandalous mimicry of a personage, until His Lordship laughed too. "You are only a journalist," said he gayly, "and talk like your journal.

"I don't know how to explain it to strangers we all know it here, doncheknow but in these cases the different governments always have some kind of an understanding. Ledwith is an American citizen, for example; he is arrested as an insurgent, no one is interested in him, the government is in a hurry, a few witnesses heard him talk against the government, and off he goes to jail.

Rebels must be wiped out, doncheknow. I don't mind that. They've done me enough harm ... put back the alliance ten years at least ... and left me howling in the wilderness. Livingstone will let every Fenian of American citizenship be tried like his British mates ... that is, they will get no trial at all, except inform. They will not benefit by their American ties."

"There's just a chance of doing something for Ledwith," he said dolorously. "By your looks a pretty poor one, I think," Arthur commented. "Oh, it's got to be done, doncheknow," he said irritably. "But that da that fool, Livingstone, is spoiling the stew with his rot. And I've been watching this pot boil for five years at least." "What's wrong with our representative?" affecting innocence.