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As noted, in cases of marginal direct threats to U.S. security, the cost in casualties needs to be low. To be effective, we must take away an opponent's ability to make it cost us in terms of casualty levels we consider intolerable. In applying Rapid Dominance we also must be defending something which is of value to us.

Its dominance over all that surrounded it, all that was smaller and less powerful and impressive than itself, was astonishingly evident from this bird's-eye point of view; but brightly as the jewels gleamed, they had lost their allurement for these two.

"It must be claimed," says one, "on behalf of the passion for God, that where it exists it will automatically, as has been said set charity, love, all sweet graces of philanthropic activity, into quick and ceaseless play.... If the emphasis of religious thought be made to fall upon the idea of life, this cannot fail to be; for to have the divine life is to be possessed of and to give out the divine love.... The regeneration of human society is found to come from the dominance of spiritual passion, even though it be not the first thing on which spiritual passion is set; the saint will be just because he is a saint a philanthropist too, since a true sainthood must number love among the graces of character it brings.

Third, and perhaps most difficult, deriving the means for implementing the most promising aspects of Rapid Dominance must occur. An Outline for System Innovation and Technological Integration

Strange that for a few brief moments they were happy; strange, proof marvellous of the dominance of the inner life over the outer, of love over death. "My love, my love!" "Again!" he murmured. "My love, my love!" But at length she came to herself, she remembered. "You will go?" she said. She put him from her and held him fondly at arm's length, her hands on his shoulders. "You will go?

With frantic and terrible earnestness the old dominance Neale had acquired over her she clung to the one truth that mattered. She loved Neale belonged to him and he was there! That they were about to meet again was as strange and wonderful a thing as had ever happened. What had she not endured? What must he have gone through?

But circumstances having forced a temporal dominance upon him, he became concerned for the ultimate triumph of his earthly power. Thereupon his dreams took upon themselves the colouring of external ambitions. Conversion might only be achieved by conquest, therefore his first thoughts turned to its attainment.

Rapid Dominance capitalizes on, and may even require, this rapid and chaotic development of technology. We believe that what will distinguish Rapid Dominance from other doctrines is first that it uses an intellectual construct to drive innovation and innovation to drive exploiting and integrating technology into new and perhaps somewhat differently constructed systems.

"Would you rather I came there? Or rather I meet you down town? Just as you say. Only I must see you tonight." "I I can't come down town. I'm sick." His hand on the receiver tightened. His voice, which had been almost harsh in its dominance, was different as he said: "Then I'll come there right away." There was no reply, but he felt she was still there.

For a moment her eves met his full of bright defiance; she hung fire, half scared, then blazed into her revelation. "For I was in that palace." "What? What?" Falconer questioned in sheer vacancy of shock. "I said I was in that palace, Kerissen's palace." "What!" came from him again, but now in twenty different intonations, with absolute incredulity struggling for dominance.