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But I'm dom'd if ar can gang to bed and not tellee, for weedur's sak', to keep the lattle boy from a' sike scoondrels while there's a harse to hoold in a' Lunnun, or a gootther to lie asleep in!" Repeating these words with great heartiness, and with a solemnity on his jolly face that made it look twice as large as before, he shook hands and went away.

As luck would have it, I at last discovered that I had in my pocket some of the directions that went with this new trouble-maker. I prevailed upon these big duffers to read it by their flashlights, and it had its convincing effect upon them. In disgust they released me, one saying to the other: "If I'd knowed thot, I'd let the dom'd fool hang a week!"

"Oh, trust a quiet devil like yourself to pick wan out," said the little station agent. "I was the same meself, whin I was more younger nor what I am now. I fell dead in love with a fine, big gyurrl be th' name iv iv dom'd if I don't forget the name iv her, onless it was Mary or Josephine no, thim came afther. What th' divil are ye laughin' at?

One blunt, outspoken Scotchman, I remember, expressed this feeling in his own characteristic way by saying, "If we don't mind we shall be having too much dom'd Chamberlain."

'I've got him, hard and fast. 'Wa'at! exclaimed John Browdie, pushing away his plate. 'Got that poor dom'd scoondrel? Where? 'Why, in the top back room, at my lodging, replied Squeers, 'with him on one side, and the key on the other. 'At thy loodgin'! Thee'st gotten him at thy loodgin'? Ho! ho! The schoolmeasther agin all England.

I tell 'ee both, that I'm glod the auld man has been caught out at last dom'd glod but ye'll sooffer eneaf wi'out any crowin' fra' me, and I be not the mun to crow, nor be Tilly the lass, so I tell 'ee flat.

'I dinnot know whether thou'd ever dreamt of it, though I think that's loike eneaf, mind, retorted John; 'but thou didst it. "Ye're a feeckle, changeable weathercock, lass," says I. "Not feeckle, John," says she. "Yes," says I, "feeckle, dom'd feeckle. Dinnot tell me thou bean't, efther yon chap at schoolmeasther's," says I. "Him!" says she, quite screeching.