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The girl waited as if to collect something in her mind, and was now a patronizing woman. 'Why, you dear sentimental boy! You don't suppose we could see each other every day for ever? It was perhaps the cruelest question that could have been addressed to the sentimental boy from her mouth. But he was a cheerful martyr! 'You dear Don Doloroso! she resumed.

It is true that in many of his characteristics, the old monarch appears to me as if he were to speak with Dante the Imperador del Doloroso Regno in person, walking on earth. But this only became apparent to me when I had read Calderon's great 'Magus. Moreover, the poet has not uttered himself as to the mode in which he would finish the work; at least nothing of the sort has reached my ears."

How often have I made that slow, sad journey to Lone Mountain a Via Doloroso to many who have never been the same after they had gone thither, and coming back found the light quenched and the music bushed in their homes!

Miss Marionetta Celestina O'Carroll was a very blooming and accomplished young lady. Being a compound of the Allegro Vivace of the O'Carrolls, and of the Andante Doloroso of the Glowries, she exhibited in her own character all the diversities of an April sky.

"For the one and simple reason that Colonel Annesley expressed the desire to be the recipient of no ship introductions." "What the deuce is he, a billionaire?" "You have me there, sir. I confess that I know nothing whatever about him. This is the first time he has ever sailed on my deck." All of which perfectly accounts for Mr. Robert's sighs in what musicians call the doloroso.

His was a spirit like unto that of Chopin or Shelley, and his death-dirge should have been written by the one and set to music by the other brothers doloroso, sent into this rough world unprepared for its buffets, passing away in manhood's morning. Yet all heard the song of the skylark. Giorgione died broken-hearted, through his ladylove's inconstancy.

Audientes igitur nobilium vxores ipsius insulae se viduatas, super his, in doloroso furore animi ad plures congressiones occiderunt et fugauerunt omnes aliarum mulierum maritos, ne scilicet sua ingennitas subiaceret voluntati, et potestati plebis.

Very well, thought I, tomorrow their suspicion will be less, and my opportunity will come; then taking up my rude instrument, I gave them an old Spanish song: Desde aquel doloroso momento; but this kind of music had lost its charm for them, and I was asked to give them the ballad they understood so well, in which their interest seemed to increase with every repetition.

I like that better. 'Would your rather be called a true English lady than a true English woman, Rose? 'Don't think I would, my dear, she answered, pertly; 'but "gentleman" always means more than "man" to me. 'And what's a gentleman, mademoiselle? 'Can't tell you, Don Doloroso. Something you are, sir, she added, surveying him. Evan sucked the bitter and the sweet of her explanation.

The girl waited as if to collect something in her mind, and was now a patronizing woman. 'Why, you dear sentimental boy! You don't suppose we could see each other every day for ever? It was perhaps the cruelest question that could have been addressed to the sentimental boy from her mouth. But he was a cheerful martyr! 'You dear Don Doloroso! she resumed.

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