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He collects antiques, for one thing." "Does he?" says I. "Then maybe he's after Auntie." First off Vee snickers, after which she lets on to be peeved and proceeds to rumple my hair. Clyde catches her at it too, and looks sort of pained. But Auntie's too much interested in the reminiscences to notice. Yes, there's no discountin' the fact that the old girl was fallin' for him hard.

Besides, hadn't she recognized Ernie on sight? Then there was the quick clinch. No discountin' that. Whoever it was it's somebody who don't hesitate to hug Ernie right in public. And yet he sticks to it, right up to the last, that he don't know her. Well, I gave it up. "Either he's a foxier sport than we've been givin' him credit for," thinks I, "or else the lady has made the mistake of her life.

It was a lucky day for Joe when Judge Maxwell took a likin' to him that way." Mrs. Newbolt was looking away toward the hills, a dreamy cast in her placid face. "Yes," said she, "there's no denyin' that. But Joe he'd 'a' got along, Judge Maxwell or no Judge Maxwell. Only it'd 'a' been slower and harder for him." "He would 'a'," nodded Sol, without reservation. "No discountin' on that.

He'll be the one to attach the fuse and light it, eh?" Well, I admit that up to that time I hadn't been takin' all this very serious, discountin' most of Cecil's suspicions as due to an over-worked imagination. But now I'm beginnin' to feel thrills down my spine. What if this was a bomb plot? Some sort of bunk was being put over here no gettin' away from that.

"'No jail birds in sight fur 's ye c'n see so fur, be they? I says. He, he, he, he!" "You needn't make me out more of a gump 'n I was," protested Mrs. Bixbee. "An' you was jest as " David held up his finger at her. "Don't you sp'ile the story by discountin' the sequil.

It's been doosedly dipped and cut into, sir, by the confounded extravygance of your master, with his helbow-shakin' and his bill discountin', and his cottage in the Regency Park, and his many wickednesses. He's a bad un, Mr. Lightfoot a bad lot, sir, and that you know.

I suspicioned that his bein' an architect was more or less of a fad; but he was makin' the most of it, there was no discountin' that. He'd laid out a week to put in seein' how New York was built, high spots and low, and he went at it like he was workin' by the piece. Now, say, there ain't no special harm in goin' around town gawpin' at lib'ries and office buildin's and churches.

I don't know just how much you knew about your pa's ways, but, anyhow, you wouldn't play him to grade much higher above standard than the run of 'em out here that has had things comin' too easy for 'em. He was all right, Dan'l J. was. God knows I ain't discountin' the comfort I've always took in him. He'd stand acid all right, at any stage of the game. Don't forget that about your pa."

It's been doosedly dipped and cut into, sir, by the confounded extravygance of your master, with his helbow shakin', and his bill discountin', and his cottage in the Regency Park, and his many wickednesses. He's a bad un, Mr. Lightfoot, a bad lot, sir, and that you know.

All the sympathy I gets from Vee, though, is a chuckle. "Don't you believe a word of it," says she. "Just wait!" There was no use discountin' the fact, or tryin' to smooth it over. I was in Dutch with Mr. Robert all because Vee and I tried to pull a little Cupid stunt for his benefit. I'd invested six whole dollars in that bunch of roses we'd passed up to Miss Hampton, too!