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I had made up my mind to say no more to her that day, but the opportunity was irresistible. There was a little desultory music, a hum of distant conversation, and Eve herself was thoughtful. I pleaded with her earnestly. "Eve," I begged, "if only you would listen to me seriously! I simply cannot bear the thought of the danger you are in all the time. Give it up, dear, this moment to-day!

His name was Thomas, not John, and there is very little that is Rabelaisian in his spirit. One sees what Hazlitt meant the voluble and diffuse learning, the desultory thread of narration, the mixture of religion and animalism. But the resemblance is very superficial, and the parallel too complimentary to Amory.

But if I'm rather desultory I always enjoy reading, because books give me so many new ideas, and it's delightful to have always something fresh to think about." "Yes, yes," rejoined St Aubyn. "I don't know what you read, of course, but it's clear you don't read many novels." "Novels!" exclaimed Austin scornfully. "How can people read novels, when there are so many other books in the world?"

Of course, novel conversation may diverge in the first direction, and cannot properly neglect the second altogether. But, as there is room for very much more of it, it may and should allow itself a considerably wider range and imitate, on proper occasions, the desultory gossip and small talk of people who live on the "boards" of a room-floor and not of a stage.

He will be along shortly, and I shall be keenly interested in observing the meeting." Enoch smoked his cigar in silence for some moments before he said, with a chuckle: "I like a fight, if only it's in the open." "So do I!" exclaimed the President. The conversation was desultory until the door opened, admitting the Secretary of State.

It is not too much to say of many of them, of "Ship," for instance, and "Telegraph," that, apart from their value as records of industrial progress and invention, they are interesting enough to furnish a very pleasant hour's occupation to the desultory reader.

While thus ruminating, the mate and Louis began a desultory conversation concerning what they termed "ambergrease." I had never even heard the word before, although I had a notion that Milton, in "Paradise Regained," describing the Satanic banquet, had spoken of something being "grisamber steamed."

They traded a little, in a careless, desultory fashion, with the proceeds of their traps and rifles. But their desires were few a pan and kettle, a case of needles and cord, some rum or brandy from cider or wild grapes, tobacco, lead, and powder chiefly the last three.

He kept up a desultory conversation as he circled and feinted. "You gotta look at it this way," he began, side-stepping a left, "it ain't often you hear of anything going wrong at times like this. You gotta remember" he hooked Kirk neatly on the jaw "that" he concluded. Kirk came back with a swing at the body which made his adversary grunt. "That's true," he said.

While the desultory conversation just related had been carried on in subdued voices, the canoes were dropping slowly down with the current within the deep shadows of the western shore, the paddles being used merely to preserve the desired direction and proper positions.