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And now Dermat knew that he would have need of his red javelin, and he sorrowed that he had given no heed to the counsel of Grania. Yet seizing his yellow javelin he cast it with careful aim and it struck the boar in its forehead. But it fell harmless to the ground, doing the monster no hurt. Then Dermat drew his sword from its sheath, and with a mighty blow did he strike at the boar's neck.

But as he came nearer he spilled it through his fingers, saying that he could not in such manner carry water so far. But Dermat believed him not, and said, 'Of thine own will hast thou spilled the water. I pray thee go once more to the well and bring me to drink, or I die.

But no sooner was he slain than he again took his own shape, and Finn knew that Dermat was still alive in the quicken-tree. Then nine times did a man of Finn's army climb the tree, and nine times was he thrown to earth and killed by his own friends. For each time did Angus cause the warrior to take Dermat's shape.

And Dermat woke with a start, and when he saw Bran there was no need for the hound to tell whence he came. Then Dermat awoke his wife and told her that Finn was near. Great fear looked from out the eyes of Grania when she heard, and she begged that they might flee.

So Finn and his nobles left the hill, Finn leading Dermat's hound. But four of the nobles turned back and laid their mantles over the champion. Then they once more followed the King. Grania sat that day on the highest tower of Rath-Grania, watching for Dermat.

Now Finn, having reached the wood, sent forward his men, but when they came to the thickest part of the forest they beheld a fence which no man could break through or climb. For Dermat had cleared a space round his hut and around the space had he built the strong fence. Then the nobles climbed a high tree and from it did they look within the fence, and there they saw Dermat and with him a lady.

Therefore Finn said to his men, 'Under this tree shall we rest until the sun be set, for well I know that Dermat is among the branches. Bring hither a chess-board that I may play. And Finn sat down to play against Oisin his son, but there were with Oisin three nobles to help him, while Finn played without aid.

But the sword broke in his hand, and the boar felt not so much as a prick. Now was Dermat without any weapon save the hilt of his sword, and the boar made a deadly onslaught, thrusting his tusk into the hero's side. But with the strength that was left him Dermat flung the hilt of the sword at the brute's head, and it pierced his skull and entered his brain, whereupon the boar fell dead.

While Bran still tarried by the hut, the nobles who loved Dermat thought of yet another warning to send their friend. They had with them a serving-man whose voice was so loud that it could be heard for many miles, and they made this man give three shouts that Dermat might hear.

Then was there at last peace between them, and Dermat and Grania built a house in Sligo, far from Cormac and Finn, and they called the name of their house Rath-Grania. And there were born unto them one daughter and four sons. And it was said that there was not living in Erin a man richer than Dermat in gold and silver, in sheep and cattle herds.