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Updated: January 14, 2025
Now as the men left Rath-Grania to bring home the body of Dermat, it was revealed to Angus of Bruga that the hero lay dead on the hill. And he at once set out on the wings of the wind and reached the sorrowful place ere Grania's messengers had come there. And they, when they came, found Angus mourning over the body of Dermat, and he asked them wherefore they were come.
And Dermat, because of the love he bore Grania, granted her wish, and for a year they were making ready for the great feast. Then were messengers sent to bid thither Cormac and Finn. And they came, and with them their nobles, their horses and their dogs, and for a full year they hunted and feasted at Rath-Grania.
When it was told Angus that Grania had sent them to bring the body of Dermat to Rath-Grania, he stayed for some time wrapt in thought. At length he spake these words: 'Let it be told the Princess that I will take with me the body of Dermat to my home, that he may be preserved by my power as though he still lived.
So Finn and his nobles left the hill, Finn leading Dermat's hound. But four of the nobles turned back and laid their mantles over the champion. Then they once more followed the King. Grania sat that day on the highest tower of Rath-Grania, watching for Dermat.
Then was there at last peace between them, and Dermat and Grania built a house in Sligo, far from Cormac and Finn, and they called the name of their house Rath-Grania. And there were born unto them one daughter and four sons. And it was said that there was not living in Erin a man richer than Dermat in gold and silver, in sheep and cattle herds.
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