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Updated: January 9, 2025
And no man dared to follow Dermat. Nor did the hero rest until he came to the warm, well-lighted hut where Grania sat with Angus before a blazing fire. When Grania saw Dermat her heart leaped for joy. Then did he tell her his tidings from beginning to end, and after they had eaten they slept in peace until the morning brake.
Now Dermat, when he heard footsteps without, seized his weapons, and going to the door, asked of the strangers who they were and whence they came. And the chiefs told their names and for what cause they were come thither. Then Dermat said, 'I am not willing to give you my head, nor will you find it an easy matter to take it.
And this time the nobles raised a mighty cheer. But Finn said, 'No marvel is it, Oisin, that thou hast won the game, for of a surety thou hast had the aid of Dermat who dwelleth amid the branches of the quicken-tree. And looking up he said, 'Have I not, Dermat, spoken truth? 'I have never known thy judgment err, O King, replied Dermat.
Yet was it not long ere Dermat was again in sore strait, for Finn followed him to Bruga, and with Finn came his old nurse. And she was a witch. Now it chanced on the day that they came thither that Dermat hunted alone in the wood. And the witch flew on the leaf of a yellow water-lily till she came straight over the place where Dermat was.
When the champion came to the foot of the quicken-tree he found Sharvan there, asleep. And he struck the giant a mighty blow to awake him. Then Sharvan raised his head, and, glaring at Dermat with his one red eye, said, 'There hath been peace betwixt us heretofore, wherefore should we now depart from it?
'No harm shall befall you, said Angus, 'if ye will but shelter under my mantle, the one on the right side and the other on the left, for then will I bring you both forth from this place, and Finn shall know it not. But Dermat would not flee from Finn, yet it was his will that Grania should go with Angus.
'It matters not, Dermat, she said, 'whether Oisin win or lose the game, but if thou speakest so that they hear, it may cost thee thy life. Yet did Dermat pay no heed to the counsel of Grania, but plucked a berry, and with it took aim so true that he hit the chessman that Oisin should move. And Oisin moved the man and won the game.
Sore troubled was Dermat as he listened to these words, and at length he replied, 'Unworthy am I of thy love, and there is not a stronghold in Erin that would shelter us from the wrath of Finn were this thing to be. When Grania heard the words that Dermat spake, she said, 'I place thee under a solemn vow that thou follow me from Tara ere Finn shall wake.
And they called the hound and told him secretly what he should do. Bran listened with ears erect, and then, losing no time, he followed the track, nor did he miss it once until it brought him unto the hut. And going in he found Dermat and Grania asleep, and he thrust his head into Dermat's bosom.
When it was told Angus that Grania had sent them to bring the body of Dermat to Rath-Grania, he stayed for some time wrapt in thought. At length he spake these words: 'Let it be told the Princess that I will take with me the body of Dermat to my home, that he may be preserved by my power as though he still lived.
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