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Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 20. And he answered and said unto Him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth, 21.

To be dishonest is from a set purpose to defraud; to take from another what belongs to him; or to withhold from another, when ability exists to pay, what is justly his due.

You must not defraud society of its rights. In a more refined circle, whose chances of happiness will be more likely to command than yours? You must go with me and Edith go to Carolina. There you will find the proper homage.

It is no demon, but a man, one man, who still defies us within! a robber who would defraud the Romans of the ransom of their lives! the pillage of many temples is around him.

If you are not smart enough to drive a close bargain, they consider it only fair to take you in. A man loses very little in the public estimation by making over all his property to some convenient friend, in order to defraud his creditors, while he retains a competency for himself.

It is well known, not only that she gave her brother valuable assistance in his astronomical pursuits, but that some of the discoveries attributed to him were actually made by her; not because he wished to defraud her of the honor of her achievement, but because she shrank from public notice.

I propose: New powers for the Federal Trade Commission to stop those who defraud and who swindle our public. New safeguards to insure the quality of fish and poultry, and the safety of our community water supplies. A major study of automobile insurance. Protection against hazardous radiation from television sets and other electronic equipment.

Either society may pay its debts honestly; either may try to defraud its creditors; either may increase in prosperity; either may fall into difficulties. If, then, they have this unity of will; if they are capable of doing and suffering good and evil, can we to use Mr. Gladstone's words, "deny their responsibility, or their need of a religion to meet that responsibility?"

Otherwise I should defraud the public and ruin my practice at the same time. You must take things quietly until you're fit to work again." After he had gone, Eric tried to make up his mind what to do. His thoughts ran uncontrolled to painters whose sight had become impaired and composers who had lost their hearing.

Why, what do you fear? suspect? You surely cannot doubt my being faithful to your interest? You will not insult me so much as to suppose that I would defraud you of your money? If you do, for I know I do not stand very high in your opinion, if you doubt my honesty, I will give you the common proofs of having received your money.