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"Pray, wha are you, sir?" said Donald, putting his hands in his sides, and looking through his specks upon Mr. Weft, like a deevil incarnit. "Wha are you, sir, that daar to speak to me in this manner?" "Wha am I?" said the ither, drapping the remnant of the paper, which was burnin' close to his fingers. "I am Saunders Weft, manufacturir In Hamilton that's what I am."

This boy arrived the other day with another poultry claim, when the following dialogue occurred: "I see you have got down sixteen young ducklings on the list?" "Yaas, the jackdars fetched they." "How do you know the jackdaws took them?" "'Cos maister said so." "Do you shut up your fowls at night?" "Yaas, we shuts the daar, but the farxes gets in. It be all weared out.

If they were Indians, it was to be expected that they had canoes somewhere, and if they were speedily found, he would as speedily be overhauled. "In which case Tim O'Rooney will lose his daar, and be the same towken lose himself, and the boys won't get their dinner."

As soon as he sees a hawk within this area, he addresses it, waving in one hand a small frayed stick, and saying, "Put fat in the mouth of So-and-So," and he puts a bit of pork fat into the mouth of the TEGULUN. Then saying, "Send him to BAWANG DAAR," he immerses the TEGULUN in his pool of reddened water; and taking it out again he thrusts into it a little wooden spear.

We soon found ourselves permanently settled in our own home, to the great joy of Mrs. O'Flaherty, who still retained her position as house-keeper. "Indade, me daar misthress," said she, "an' it's good to see yees at home agin; for wasn't this the lonesom place whiles ye was absint."

"How durst you call me a swaddler, sir?" says the Pope, forgetting, the dear man, the part that he was acting. "Don't think to bully me!" says his Riv'rence. "I always daar to spake the truth, and it's well known that you're nothing but a swaddling ould sent ov a saint," says he, never letting on to persave that his Holiness had forgot what they were agreed on.

The voice whispered again: "Maak hast! Kom hier!" Or, "Hasten! Come here!" Nanking raised up and made a noise. "Wie komt, daar?" demanded the voice, and in a minute repeated: "Wie sprecht, daar?" They ask, "Who comes and who speaks?" said Nanking. "Blessed be the promises of heaven! It is Santa Claus!"

Nieuwe uitvindingen, verbeteringen op het terrein van werktuigkunde, enz, worden daar steeds in vermeld en beschreven. De prijs is zeer matig voor zulk cen blad; drie dollars per jaar. Dat belangstellenden de advertentie lezen.

The operator makes a fire beside the TEGULUN, digs a small hole in the ground, and fills it with water coloured with ferruginous earth. This pool is called BAWANG DAAR, the lake of blood. Sitting before the TEGULUN he scans the space of sky framed by the BATANG PRA, searching for some hawk upon the wing.

Then he stepped down under the yawning gape of the chimney, and seemed to grope and fumble at the back of the hearth. He raised himself then, stepped back, and called out sharply in the Taal: "Wie is daar?" The man's voice dropped back dead out of the choked-up chimney-throat. A little sooty dust fell. There was no other answer.