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Feeble-mind any real good was his being made military guard over the women and the children while the men went out to demolish Doubting Castle. Quis custodiet? you will smile and say when you hear that. Who shall protect the protector? you will say. But wait a little. Greatheart knew his business.

One, a chain, from the lower part of the collar, which binds the horse’s chin to his breast, and another over the upper part of the collar, along and above the back to the tail, independent of the terret-pad and crupper. Sed quis custodes custodiet ipsos? What is to prevent the tail from falling forward with the body?

"As a berry. I like his breeches." I bowed. "Thank you. And for you,'picturesque' is the word one of the words. Shall I compare you to a summer's day?" "I'd rather you collected that cow. She's getting too near the river for my liking. I'm looking after the dears." "Are you?" said I. "But-" "But what?" "'Quis custodiet " The apple she threw passed over my shoulder.

The bad measures or bad appointments of a minister may be checked by Parliament; and the interest of ministers in defending, and of rival partisans in attacking, secures a tolerably equal discussion; but quis custodiet custodes? who shall check the Parliament? A minister, a head of an office, feels himself under some responsibility.

"Yonder is the castle," said Aymer de Valence, extending his arm with a smile of triumph upon his brow; "thou mayst judge thyself, whether the defences added to it under the Clifford are likely to render its next capture a more easy deed than the last." The minstrel barely shook his head, and quoted from the Psalmist "Nisi Dominus custodiet."

You have not, as Dr. Kitchener would say, caught your hare; you have no standard. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? How shall you determine how your first word is pronounced? and which of two rhyming words shall dominate the other? In the present instance how do we know that avouch was sounded as it is now? Its being from the French would lead us to doubt it.

Lady Scott thinks I was wrong, and nobody could less desire such a neighbour, all his affectations being caviare to me. But then the wife and children! Went again to the Solicitor on a wrong night, being asked for to-morrow. Lady Scott undertakes to keep my engagements recorded in future. Sed quis custodiet ipsam custodem? December 17.

Jonathan Wild will always do more harm than Jack Sheppard. The skill and daring of the cracksman makes him a marked man. But quis custodes custodiet? * See 'The World of Graft, by J. Flint , p. 154. A traveller visiting a strange land takes for granted the simpler virtues. He notes with gratitude and without surprise the generous practice of hospitality.

Some of his phrases, like the one just quoted, have obtained a world-wide currency, and even reached the crowning honour of habitual misquotation; his Hoc volo sic iubeo, his Mens Sana in corpore sano, his Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? are more familiar than all but the best-known lines of Virgil and Horace.