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There was no doubt whatever as to the reality of this unknown terror of the deep, for several vessels had been struck by it, and particularly the Cunard steamer Scotia, homeward bound for Liverpool.

"I'm not feeling well," began Thomas; "and the doctor is ashore. Where's there an apothecary's shop?" "Two blocks straight out from the pier entrance. You'll see red and blue lights in the windows. Tummy?" "I'm subject to dizzy spells. Where's Jameson?" Jameson was the surly cabin-mate. "Quit. Gone over to the Cunard. Fool. Like a little money advanced? Here's a bill, five dollars."

The rivalry between these lines was intense, and each did its best to make short voyages. In 1851 the average time from Liverpool to New York was eleven days, eight hours, for the Collins Line, and eleven days, twenty-three hours, for the Cunard.

"That's a pretty big boat," said one, craning up at the tall stem of the Eclipse. "Oh, gee, that ain't big!" said another. "You ought to see some of the Cunard boats, the Olympic or the Baltic." On Riverside Drive horseback riders were cantering down the bridlepath, returning from early outings.

No sooner had the young man left the house than the Iron King went to the agency of the Cunard line, and secured staterooms for himself and party in the Asia, that was to sail on the following Saturday from Liverpool for New York. When he re-entered his parlor at the Langham, he found his wife and Cora seated there, the girl reading the Court Journal to her grandmother.

Immediately comes poring towards her a little mail-steamer, to take away her mail-bags and such of the passengers as choose to land; and for several hours afterwards the Cunard lies with the smoke and steam coming out of her, as if she were smoking her pipe after her toilsome passage across the Atlantic.

At last the expected draft arrived, and the party were to leave for Halifax the next day in the Cunard steamer. La Salle had invited Captain Randall to spend the evening in a private parlor of the hotel, and at eight o'clock he was ushered in, and found no other guest save his first mate, Mr. Blake, who was still first officer of the Mercedes.

Yet, despite the dangers of the Atlantic, and the liability to accident in a thousand ways of such a voyage, the Cunard line can thankfully say that they have never lost a life nay more, although they have had a contract with the British Government since they started for the conveyance of the North American mails, the company have never even lost a letter!

Why, your passage by the Lucania alone must have cost a pretty penny. I'll bet my hat you came first class." The young man was clearly on the brink of an explosion, but controlled himself with an effort. "I paid the winter rate; and mother who knows the Cunard people very well, got a reduction. I assure you, Uncle Archie, neither mother nor I is a fool, and we know quite well what we are about."

The prospect was not an alluring one; and hence, to avoid an involuntary visit to the scenes of his childhood, he sought liberty beyond the sea, where men of his color have always enjoyed a larger freedom than in their native land. In 1845 Douglass set sail for England on board the Cambria, of the Cunard Line, accompanied by James N. Buffum, a prominent abolitionist of Lynn, Massachusetts.