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In the presence of a large congregation at Torwood he went so far as to excommunicate Charles the Second; the Dukes of York, Lauderdale, and Rothes; Sir McKenzie and Dalziel of Binns.

Each of these bands had its special heroes; its Godfreys and Orlandos celebrated in song; the most famous name in Ulster was Cuchullin: so called from cu, a hound, or watch-dog, and Ullin, the ancient name of his province. He lived at the dawn of the Christian era.

There the name of Rome again arrested their progress; they applied to her anew for lands, with the offer of their services. "Rome," answered M. Silanus, who commanded in the province, "has neither lands to give you nor services to accept from you." He attacked them in their camp, and was beaten. Three consuls, L. Cassius, C. Servilius Omepio, and Cu.

Fumigation is quite generally employed in the general cleaning after the patient leaves his room. This, to be effective, must be thorough. Formaldehyde is considered the best disinfectant for this purpose, and it should be evaporated with heat in the proportion of one half pint of the 40 per cent solution to 1000 cu. ft. of space.

Average workable depth of this section 60 ft. Average assay .6235 per cubic yard. 600 × 300 × 60 400,000 cu. yds. @ .6235 $249,400 Estimated cost of working 5 cents per cu. yd. 20,000 Estimated Net Profit $229,000 "That's one of the poor claims," he explained carelessly, "we probably won't bother with it."

The dynamite was practically all 60%, and the average excavation per pound of dynamite was 2.2 cu. yd. The contractor employed an inspector of batteries and fuses, who, using an instrument for that purpose, tested the wiring of each blast prior to firing, in order to discover any short circuits, and thus prevent the danger of leaving unexploded dynamite in the holes.

Women of the better class wear a camisa, costing between 1 and 2 r., a patadíon 6 r., cloth between 2 and 3 r., and a comb 2 cu. At least three, but more commonly four, suits are worn out yearly; the women, however, taking care to weave almost the whole quantity for the family themselves.

The following are, in round numbers, the quantities of the principal materials used: Earth and puddle in embankment ...cub. yds. 148,500 Rock excavation, " 38,000 Riprap, " 6,600 Lock masonry " 14,200 Rubble masonry, " 16,600 Timber in cribs, lock bottoms and gates " 368,000 Wrought and cast iron, lb ................. 173,000 Stone filling cu yds ...................... 45,300 Concrete " 830

The most terrible case of opium-eating which I ever saw instantly cu short was one where the patient used 33 grains of morphia per diem, but he had used it for less than a year, and possessed a constitution whose physical grit and mental pluck anybody would pronounce exceptional, though even that did not save him from the tortures which endangered his reason.

If he winked his other eye, the crow also winked with his other eye. Once when Cupid was on his shoulder, he pointed to a snake lying in the road, and said "Cu! Cu!" The sagacious bird pounced on the head of the snake and killed him instantly; then flew back to his friend's shoulder, cawing with all his might, as if delighted with his exploit.