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Crasher before me and opened a vista on my future of all that was fast, furious and fashionable. When I was told that I was going to sit next to the Master of the Quorn at dinner, my excitement knew no bounds. Gordon Cunard whose brother Bache owned the famous hounds in Market Harborough had insisted on my joining him at a country- house party given for a ball.

"It was what Hautboy called the tidiness of the horse." "By George, yes; I wish you'd lend him to me. I got my brute in between two rails, and it took me half-an-hour to smash a way through. I never saw anything of it after that." Poor Hautboy almost cried as he gave this account of his own misfortune. "You were the only fellow I saw try them after Crasher," said Vivian.

"Crasher came on his head, and I should think he must be there still. I don't know where Hampstead got through." "I never know where I've been," said Hampstead, who had, in truth, led the way over the double rails which had so confounded Crasher and had so perplexed Hautboy. But when a man is too forward to be seen, he is always supposed to be somewhere behind.

If the shell had exploded? Oh, well, that is a habit of shells; and in that case the pilot would be in the German lines unrecognizable among the débris of his machine after a "crasher." Where in the old West gunmen used to put a notch on their revolver handle for every man killed, now in each aviator's record is the number of enemy planes which he has brought down.

"'Give the hounds a trot out by way of exercise' eh?" "Well, I hope it won't end in 'Dinner lost! 'ounds lost! self lost all lost together! What d'ye think of calling the hunt, old boy?" "The Cut-'em-downs, if you're going to ride over my hounds," said Charteris, as a heedless puppy blundered in front of Gerrard's horse. "And call you Crasher."

And flick! it was gone into a doorway, and rat-tat, flick, and there it was again coming! Flick, rat-tat! Flick, flick, rat-tat! Coming, coming! Growing larger, growing brighter, growing louder! Next door now. They always get it next door. Flick, rat-tat! What a crasher! You can feel it echo! Flick! Now then! Now then! How it gleams! He's stopped! He's looking at his letters! He's coming in!

The field, as usual, divided into two parts, the soft riders and the hard ones the soft riders going by the fields, the hard riders by the road. Messrs. Spraggon, Sponge, Slapp, Quilter, Rasper, Crasher, Smasher, and some half-dozen more, bustled after Bragg; while the worthy master Mr. Puffington, Lumpleg, Washball, Crane, Guano, Shirker, and very many others, came pounding along the lane.

On the following night the naval brigade astonished the camp by giving private theatricals. The bill was headed "Theatre Royal, Naval Brigade. On Friday evening, 31st August, will be performed, 'Deaf as a Post, to be followed by 'The Silent Woman, the whole to conclude with a laughable farce, entitled 'Slasher and Crasher. Seats to be taken at seven o'clock.

There is something else at the back of it all, which I can only see very dimly yet, but which will come as a crasher, I can tell you, when it does come. At present I won't say anything about this, only keep your eyes open and be prepared. Ta-ta! "Your obedient son, "BEN. "P.S. Don't worry about Xs. They won't come out of your pocket in the long run, I can tell you. Wednesday evening.