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You might just as well have the credit for the job as anybody; and man to man, now I want to say that I'm full of admiration for the fine way you handled that hydroplane of yours. If so be you're the Bird boys I've been hearing so much about, you've got the making of crack-a-jack aviators in you. That's about all from me now."

He seemed to have been keyed up and toned up. There was a different expression on his face. There was buoyancy in his step. There was a visible determination in his eye. He took the seat beside her and Linda started the car. She looked at him interrogatively. "Can you connect a heavy wind with the date of the lost plan?" he inquired. "There was a crack-a-jack a few days before," said Linda.

Dick was all eagerness now. "There's to be a jolly crowd there. Sammie told me that he has invited a crack-a-jack of an artist he met at the club. He is an English chap and has been out here only a short time. He puts out some great stuff in the way of pictures, so I understand. Then, that Westcote girl is to be there. My, I'm anxious to meet her.

Well, at all events, I'm going to walk with your K. O., and it's time I was getting ready. Good-by." "Good-by, Mrs. Wynyard." "Day-day!" said Dorothy, from the divan. "She's a crack-a-jack!" exclaimed young Nisbet, after she had gone. "Mercy!" said Dorothy. "I never knew you to be so enthusiastic over any one before.

That kind of talk hits their folks in the right spot, you bet. He owns a slice of this farm, you know, and he's given some of the younger kids pieces of ground for gardens, and he's got up a night class in carpentering for young fellows that work in town all day. He's a crack-a-jack of a carpenter himself." "He'll run into the unions if he don't look out," prophesied the conductor.

She had been over from Poland only a year at a cousin's somewhere on the East side, and she used to annoy us awfully getting to the flat so early in the morning and cleaning our living room while we were trying to sleep. But she was a crack-a-jack worker, so we put up with her superfluous energy in cleaning.

"Caribou" Sol, the name by which he was generally known, was not the only one interested in these tales. Others drifted into the shack, and listened too, strapping fellows, some of them, who would remain very still while the story continued. It was in their own cabins where they gave vent to their feelings. "By gar," said one brawny chap, "that was a crack-a-jack yarn the parson read to-day.

"Why, Uncle Rayburn writes that he would like to come to spend the winter with us," answered Celia. "What luck!" "Luck with Charlotte in the kitchen?" "Uncle Ray is a crack-a-jack of a cook himself. His board bill will help out like oil on a dry axle, and if we don't have a lot of fun, then Uncle Ray has changed as I know he hasn't." "Two cripples," declared Capt.