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From the not too comfortable coupe of the cumbersome old vehicle, we come ever upon wider and more magnificent prospects; on either side are brilliant green pastures, watered by little rivers clear as crystal, lofty alders fringing their banks, and the grand white oxen pasturing peacefully here and there; beyond these gracious scenes rise wooded hills, or masses of granite, taking weird forms; while as we journey further on we get tremendous panoramas, with a background of violet hills.

Calling a coupe, I dashed off to a late train that passed through the village nearest to the farmhouse. It had been arranged that I should come the following morning, and that Reuben should meet me, but I proposed to give them a surprise. I could not wait one moment longer than I must.

Then perhaps a ride toward the beautiful northern sky would be proposed, whereupon three or four hansom or coupe loads would begin a journey that wound up through Central Park toward the northern light, but which never attained a point remoter than some suburban road-house, where sleepy cooks and bartenders would have to be routed out to collaborate toward breakfast.

At this moment C. came up to tell me that W., S., and G. had all come back from Italy, so that our party was once more together. It was on the 5th of July that S. and I took our seats in the coupe of the diligence.

When after the scene about the rhythm of a mazurka Chopin had left the room, Lenz introduced himself to Meyerbeer as a friend of the Counts Wielhorski, of St. Petersburg. On coming to the door, where a coupe was waiting, the composer offered to drive him home, and when they were seated said: I had not seen Chopin for a long time, I love him very much.

'Oh, I have it, cried I, 'we are arrived at Mt. Geran, and they are all at dinner, and from my being alone in the coupe, they have forgotten to call me. I immediately opened the door and stepped out into the innyard, crowded with conducteurs, grooms, and ostlers, who, I thought, looked rather surprised at seeing me emerge from the diligence.

The aide-de-camp stood there, staring at the prostrate man. "Here, help me with him to his carriage; he is ill," panted Jack "lift him!" Together they carried him out to the terrace, and down the steps to a coupé that stood waiting. "The marquis is ill," said Jack again; "put him to bed at once. Drive fast." Before the sound of the wheels died away Jack hastened back to the dining-room.

We took a coupe, which I had engaged beforehand, and I accompanied her in a carriage to her father's house. "Finally, one evening, she left her friend's house at the usual hour; but she did not return to her father's house till the day after." "Jacques!" broke in M. Magloire, shocked, as if he had heard a curse, "Jacques!" M. de Boiscoran remained unmoved.

The Chevalier took the same advantageous occasion to purchase the English well-bred hack and the neat coupe and horses which the Bordelais was also necessitated to dispose of. The Marquis, however, did not seem alarmed or dejected by the sudden diminution of capital so expeditiously effected.

She did not return again, but continued her walk straight on till at the end of the alley she entered a carriage in waiting for her, and was driven off. "Quick, quick!" cried Lemercier, running towards his own coupe; "we must give chase."