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But will it be believed that as he rose from his knees, before he had actually straightened his limbs, two lines from the "Corsair" flashed into his mind, not particularly apposite, but there they were: "She rose she sprung she clung to his embrace Till his heart heaved beneath her hidden face?" Whence had they descended?

Then she put certain articles of property under her pillow, her watch and chain, and the rings from her fingers, and a packet which she had drawn from her travelling-desk, and was soon in bed, thinking that, as she fell away to sleep, she would revolve in her mind that question of the Corsair; would it be good to trust herself and all her belongings to one who might perhaps take her belongings away, but leave herself behind?

The die was cast, the erstwhile corsair, the son of the renegado of Mitylene and his Christian wife was henceforward the supreme head of the Ottoman fleet. The following description of the famous corsair may be found interesting at this juncture. Barbarossa was at this time seventy-seven years of age. Courageous and prudent, he was as far-seeing in war as he was subtle in peace.

As the ship began to sink, they begged to be taken aboard the corsair, to which the captain was not averse. Once aboard they were told that if they had been courteous enough to reply to the question shouted from the corsair as to what port they were bound for, their own vessel would still have been intact.

Late in October Bainbridge sighted a Tripolitan vessel standing in shore. He gave chase at once with perhaps more zeal than discretion, following his quarry well in shore in the hope of disabling her before she could make the harbor. Failing to intercept the corsair, he went about and was heading out to sea when the frigate ran on an uncharted reef and stuck fast.

Might it not be possible that the diamonds were at this moment in the hands of Messrs. Camperdown, and that they would be produced before her eyes, as soon as her second false oath had been registered against her? And yet how could she tell the truth? And what would the Corsair think of her, the Corsair, who would know everything? She made one resolution during the night.

To win the love of this much-praised maiden seemed to Hanno peerless happiness, and the young corsair felt that he was worthy of it; for on the high seas, when a superior foe was to be opposed by force and stratagem, when a ship was to be boarded and death spread over her deck, he had proved himself a man of unflinching courage. His suit had progressed more easily than he expected.

Though no "Corsair," romantic and unreal, an Ossianic shadow becoming more vast in proportion as it recedes from substance; though no grandly-imagined lie to the fair proportions of human nature, but an erring man in a very prosaic and homely world, Clifford still mingled a certain generosity and chivalric spirit of enterprise even with the practices of his profession.

It's difficult to tell one vessel from another, but I very much suspect that she's the very same piratical rascal we before fell in with, and that this brig is no stranger to her either." The captain replied, that he was afraid his apprehensions were too well-founded. The next question was, how we were to escape from the corsair, should the stranger really be her.

It must have been with a sinking heart that Martin de Vargas and his brave garrison beheld the town fall once again into the hands of Kheyr-ed-Din; they knew, as by this time did all the Mediterranean and the dwellers on the coasts thereof, the implacable enmity of the corsair to the Christians, and how short a shrift would be theirs should they fall into his hands.