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The other of the two ways I was speaking of, is, by Dividing the Grosser and more Solid Particles into Minute ones, which will be always Lesser, and for the most part otherwise Shap'd than the Entire Corpuscle so Divided, as it will happen in a piece of Wood reduc'd into Splinters or Chips, or as when a piece of Chrystal heated red Hot and quench'd in Cold water is crack'd into a multitude of little Fragments, which though they fall not asunder, alter the Disposition of the Body of the Chrystal, as to its manner of Reflecting the Light, as we shall have Occasion to shew hereafter.

Each organ, says Claude Bernard, has its proper life, its autonomy; it can develop and reproduce itself independently of the adjoining tissues. I presume that no physiologist doubts that, for instance, each bone corpuscle of the finger differs from the corresponding corpuscle of the corresponding joint of the toe," &c., &c.

Now imagine the solid, which is its world, to be subjected to the influence of heat. When the temperature reached a certain point the solid would transform itself into a liquid. To the corpuscle all the old barriers would seem to be broken down; space would be different, time would be different, and its world a different place.

In one second, with appalling swiftness, she disappeared, swallowed out of space and time within that awful maw one little corpuscle among a million through which the Life, now stalking the Desert wastes, moulded itself a troop-like Body. Sand took her. There followed emptiness a hush of unutterable silence, stillness, peace. Movement and sound instantly retired whence they came.

As the parasite feeds and grows there is deposited within its body a blackish or brownish pigment known as melanin. During the time that the parasite is feeding and growing it is also giving off waste products, as all living forms do in the process of metabolism, but as the parasite is completely inclosed in the corpuscle wall these waste products cannot escape until the wall bursts open.

Claudius, an uncle of Caligula, accepted the vacant place, as it seemed to him there was no one else could fill it so well. Claudius had the felicity to be married four times, and left several sons, but Fate had it that he should be followed by Nero, his stepson, who called himself "Cæsar," yet in whose veins there leaped not a single Cæsarean corpuscle.

None of the matter which surrounds the corpuscle or cyst seems to take part in the preservation of the germ, when the cyst is formed, for it is all re-absorbed, gradually leaving the cyst bare.

Excellent models can be molded from plaster of Paris as follows: Coat the inside of the lid of a baking powder can with oil or vaseline and fill it even full of a thick mixture of plaster of Paris and water. After the plaster has set, remove it from the lid and with a pocket-knife round off the edges and hollow out the sides until the general form of the corpuscle is obtained.

This sediment consisted of corpuscles that seemed to be undergoing decomposition; they were a little larger than the red corpuscles; contained granules or spots, from three to four and seven and eight in each corpuscle. Some of them seemed to be simply swollen red blood corpuscles, ready to burst, or as it were, suppurate.

Again, at another increase of temperature, when the liquid became a gas, the corpuscle would experience a further emancipation: it would possess a further freedom, with all the facts of its universe to learn anew.