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In five years their very names had been forgotten; in seven the name of the town was changed; in ten the town itself was transported bodily to the hillside, and the chimney of the Union Smelting Works by night flickered like a corpse-light over the site of Johnson's cabin, and by day poisoned the pure spices of the pines.

"Nay," said mine host, "Robin will have it that some further evil is upon us tho' methinks we have got our fill and to spare with this drought ay, and 'twas at thy house, Dickon, he saw the corpse-light." "Better a corpse-light than six open mouths, and naught to fill them," said Dickon surlily. "Whither away, Robin? 'Tis not far this beast will travel."

He was looking at old Dinah's tub of white lilies when I noticed him, and to me came a curious thinking of how he was so unlike them, many people having for me flower-likeness, and this man, being of a yellow swarthiness and squat-browed, 'minded me soon of the toadstool you call a corpse-light."

"If she'll let you." Jeff was silent in his turn. He started from his silence with a laugh. "She'd make a daisy landlady for Lion's Head. I believe she would like to try it awhile just for the fun. But after the ball was over well, it would be a good joke, if it was a joke. Cynthia is a woman she a'n't any corpse-light. She understands me, and she don't overrate me, either.

This Roman Christian architecture is the exact expression of the Christianity of the time, very fervid and beautiful but very imperfect; in many respects ignorant, and yet radiant with a strong, childlike light of imagination, which flames up under Constantine, illumines all the shores of the Bosphorus and the Aegean and the Adriatic Sea, and then gradually, as the people give themselves up to idolatry, becomes Corpse-light.

Out of the fungus-ridden earth steamed up a vaporous corpse-light, yellow and diseased, which bubbled and lapped to a gigantic height in vague outlines half human and half monstrous, through which I could see the chimney and fireplace beyond.

The Lady of Lochleven was not without a touch, though a slight one, of the superstitions of the time; the fate of her sons made her alive to omens, and a corpse-light, as it was called, in the family burial-place boded death. She turned her head towards the casement saw a distant glimmering forgot her charge for one second, and in that second were lost the whole fruits of her former vigilance.

This Roman Christian architecture is the exact expression of the Christianity of the time, very fervid and beautiful but very imperfect; in many respects ignorant, and yet radiant with a strong, childlike light of imagination, which flames up under Constantine, illumines all the shores of the Bosphorus and the Ægean and the Adriatic Sea, and then gradually, as the people give themselves up to idolatry, becomes Corpse-light.

And he fell upon his knees with his face turned towards the window. Ay it was like a holy eye opening suddenly on human crime and human passions. Many a scene of blood and crime that pure cold eye had rested on; but on few more ghastly than this, where two men, with a lighted corpse between them, waited panting, to kill and be killed. Nor did the moonlight deaden that horrible corpse-light.