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I hope Lockhart will not be dragged in as second or otherwise. Went to Jeffrey's to dinner there were Mrs. and Miss Sydney Smith, Lords Gillies and Corehouse, etc. etc. February 24. I fancy I had drunk a glass or two over much last night, for I have the heartburn this morning. But a little magnesia salves that sore. Meantime I have had an inspiration which shows me my good angel has not left me.

I was detained at the Parliament House till nearly three by the great case concerning prescription, Maule v. Maule. This was made up to me by hearing an excellent opinion from Lord Corehouse, with a curious discussion in apicibus juris. I disappointed Graham of a sitting for my picture.

Cranstoun and I walked before dinner. I never saw the great fall of Corehouse from this side before, and I think it the best point, perhaps; at all events, it is not that from which it is usually seen; so Lord Corehouse has the sight and escapes the tourists. Dined with him, his sister Mrs. Cunningham, and Corehouse.

Lord Corehouse interrupts: "Mr , the saltatory feat which you are pleased to ascribe to me is not one which I have ever attempted, and I do not feel sure that if I did I could perform it with any of that ease which you suppose." Enough, perhaps, of such reminiscences, which, written, may fail altogether of their effect when spoken.

Being a teind day, remained at home, adjusting my ideas on this point until one o'clock, then walked as far as Mr. Cadell's. Finally, went to dine at Hawkhill with Lord and Lady Binning. Party were Lord Chief-Commissioner, Lord Chief-Baron, Solicitor, John Wilson, Lord Corehouse. The night was so dark and stormy that I was glad when we got upon the paved streets. December 6.

The impressive ceremonial would have gratified vainglorious Mr. Blandy had circumstances permitted his presence. George Cranstoun, Lord Corehouse, Cranstoun's nephew, was afterwards an eminent Scottish judge. A word as to the guilt of Mary Blandy and her accomplice, which, in the opinion of some writers, is not beyond dispute.

This alludes to the claim advanced by the creditors of Constable and Co. to the copyright of Woodstock and the Life of Napoleon. The Dean of the Faculty of Advocates was at that time George Cranstoun, afterwards a judge on the Scottish Bench under the title; of Lord Corehouse, from 1826 until 1839, when he retired; he died 1850. i.e. spending. The eldest son of "The Man of Feeling."

Besides the grand lion, the Fall of Clyde, he has more than one lion's whelp; a fall of a brook in a cleugh called Mill's Gill must be superb in rainy weather. The old Castle of Corehouse is much more castle-like on this than from the other side. Left Corehouse at eight in the morning, and reached Lanark by half-past nine.

A greater intimacy, however, subsequently arose between the two families, owing to the friendly exertions of the Edmonstone as above, that ended in a superannuated lady, the late Miss Edmonstone of Corehouse, entailing or settling her estate upon the present George Cranstoun of Corehouse, nephew of the poisoner, to the exclusion of the late Roger Ayton, and her other heirs at law.