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Gradually, under this teaching, the Hebrew rises to the very idea of an inward teacher, which the Yogi had, and to a far purer and clearer form of that idea; but he is not tempted by it to selfish individualism, or contemplative isolation, as long as he is true to the old Mosaic belief, that this being is the Political Deity, "the King of Kings."

During the preparation of the meal Rod described their discovery of the chasm and revealed some of his thoughts concerning it, but Wabi betrayed only passing flashes of interest. At times he seemed strangely preoccupied and would stand in an idle, contemplative mood, his hands buried deep in his pockets, while Rod or Mukoki proceeded with the little duties about the table or the stove.

Am I a necromancer, a wizard, or eke a thought reader?" Trenholme favored the vexed little man with a contemplative look. "I think you are all those, and a jolly clever art critic as well," he said. Furneaux was discomfited, and Winter nearly laughed. But the matter at issue was too important to be treated with levity. "Tell us now what you saw, Mr. Trenholme," he said.

"Not while I was around." "Yes," persisted the other, "but what was they after." "Oh, an extry pair of boots, and a shirt, and some tobacco, et cetery," replied Buck Barry contemptuously. "Let's see them," shouted several voices. After a moment's delay two ragged and furtive Mexicans were dragged before the assembly. A contemplative silence ensued.

The repast had been ordered by Athos, and the lackey furnished by Porthos. He was a Picard, whom the glorious Musketeer had picked up on the Bridge Tournelle, making rings and plashing in the water. Porthos pretended that this occupation was proof of a reflective and contemplative organization, and he had brought him away without any other recommendation.

By this they mean to describe, as well as our concrete language will permit, the new and vivid consciousness which now invades the contemplative; the sense which he has of being as it were helpless in the grasp of another Power, so utterly part of him, so completely different from him so rich and various, so transfused with life and feeling, so urgent and so all-transcending that he can only think of it as God.

Herbert, to my great delight, has not changed; I should know him anywhere, the same serious, contemplative face, with lurking humor at the corners of the mouth, the same cheery laugh and clear, distinct enunciation as of old. There is nothing so winning as a good voice.

Here are three phases in the ever-widening contemplative apprehension of Reality. Not three opinions, but three facts, for which she struggles to find words.

Partly owing perhaps to the waning light of the single lamp and the lateness of the hour, his cheek seemed very pale, and the complete though contemplative rest of the features partook greatly of the quiet of habitual sadness, and a little of the languor of shaken health; yet the expression, despite the proud cast of the brow and profile, was rather benevolent than stern or dark in its pensiveness, and the lines spoke more of the wear and harrow of deep thought than the inroads of ill-regulated passion.

The fact is, that in spite of every fault, you see through all the traces of original thought; there is a contemplative grandeur in their sentiments, which seems to have nothing borrowed in its meaning or its dress.