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"If we do not know every one of them, if nature still keeps ichthyological secrets from us, nothing is more admissible than to accept the existence of fish or cetaceans of new species or even new genera, animals with a basically 'cast-iron' constitution that inhabit strata beyond the reach of our soundings, and which some development or other, an urge or a whim if you prefer, can bring to the upper level of the ocean for long intervals.

But that which is particularly to be attended to here is this: In all countries of the earth, whether of primitive masses or those of secondary formation, whether uniform and homogeneous, or compound and mixed of those two different kinds of bodies, the system is always the same, of hills and valleys, lakes and rivers, ravines and streams: no man can say, by looking into the most perfect map, what is primary or what secondary in the constitution of the globe.

The Supreme Court of New Hampshire, from whose judgment that cause came up by writ of error, had held and on that point its decision was final that the change in the college charter was no violation of the bill of rights embodied in the Constitution of that state. Magna Charta was wrung from a tyrant king.

Its particles are concretions in existence like the planets; and if a given hypothesis describing them turns out to be wrong, it is wrong only because this matter exists so truly and in such discoverable guise that the hypothesis in question may be shown to misrepresent its constitution.

The first essential equipment for a right journey through the country of sexual experience is that we should know the truth about our bodies those temples of the Holy Ghost and should understand the meaning of the emotions and desires which connect themselves with our physical constitution.

Augustus, when moulding for his future purposes the form and constitution of that supremacy which he had obtained by inheritance and by arms, proceeded with so much caution and prudence, that even the style and title of his office was discussed in council as a matter of the first moment.

The barbarian conquest of Rome introduced into the nations founded on the site of the empire, a double constitution the barbaric and the civil the Germanic and the Roman in the West, and the Tartaric or Turkish and the Graeco-Roman in the East.

McKinley, Senator Lodge and Mr. Moody say neither way is acceptable the lands and the people are ours. They have no rights under the Constitution. We will hold them subject to our will until they accept our authority and recognize our right to rule over them, and beyond that we will hold them until, in our opinion, they are qualified to govern themselves.

The constitution drawn up, ordained, and established by a nation for itself is a law the organic or fundamental law, if you will, but a law, and is and must be the act of the sovereign power. That sovereign power must exist before it can act, and it cannot exist, if vested in the people or nation, without a constitution, or without some sort of political organization of the people or nation.

But for reasons and in a fashion which it will be more convenient to examine in the next chapter, this provision of the Constitution had been virtually nullified by the domestic legislation of many Northern States.