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Edmonstone, thinking it might be very salutary for Charlotte to send her to confess. 'Do you think so? cried Amy, eagerly. 'Oh! that would make it all comfortable. Only it was partly mine, for not keeping Charlotte in better order, and we must not throw it all on her and Eveleen. You think we may tell him? 'I think he ought not to be allowed to fancy you let your name be so used.

The one great puzzle was the dynamite, of which they were as much in the dark as was I. They appealed to me. If I knew anything about the dynamite they begged me to confess it and save them all from further misery. And I could tell them only the truth, that I knew of no dynamite. One thing the stool told me, before the guards removed him, showed how serious was this matter of the dynamite.

Suspicious, isn't it? Well, I will explain to you, or rather confess no, not that exactly. I will give testimony, and you shall take it down that's it. So then, I swear that I was reading, and came here on purpose" Raskolnikoff blinked his eyes and paused "to read an account of the murder of the old woman." He finished almost in a whisper, eagerly watching Zametoff's face.

I confess that I was still bewildered, as you, my reader, in whom I am here reposing confidence, would, I believe, have been, had you found yourself in similar circumstances. "I see that your wife is eager to go out," I said. "But I fear I must, before I go, press for a direct answer to my questions, Mr. De Gex." "My dear sir, I have answered them.

In one moment he was between my thighs, which I am willing to confess were opened wide enough to receive him, and in another moment his instrument had penetrated the lips of my most secret charms, and was imbedded to the very hilt in my body. Oh God! the ecstasy I felt when the conjunction was complete I can never describe.

"Are you expecting to take Mrs. Dysart with you to your intellectual solitude?" "I would if I if we cared for each other," he said, calmly seating himself. She said, revolted: "Can't you even admit that you are in love with her? Must I confess that I could not avoid seeing you with her in her own room half an hour since? Will that wring the truth out of you?"

"I must confess," she began, "that I am not wholly mistress of my time. I am dressed, as you see: I have to go out." If she had preserved any hope of adjourning the explanation which she felt coming, she must have lost it when she heard the tone in which M. de Tregars interrupted her. "You can go out to-morrow." And, without hurrying,

For so we confess ourselves bound by links of gratitude to the Apostles, and the successors of the Apostles, and to all which has been best, purest, and truest in the ages since. So we confess that we worship the same God-man of whom Apostles preached, of whom fathers philosophised, and for whom martyrs died.

The strange girl took Monsieur de Grancey by the arm, and led him to a seat under a clump of rhododendrons, whence there was a view of the lake. "Listen, dear Abbe," said she. "You whom I love as much as my father, for you had an affection for my Albert, I must at last confess that I committed crimes to become his wife, and he must be my husband. Here; read this."

I must confess that I passed a most anxious night, as I knew not but what at any moment the enemy might make a rush into the entrenchments the Turks were abandoning, in order to claim a victory. My own ship was getting lumbered up, and I knew that before long it would be impossible to work more than one or two of the guns in case of need.