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"Hullo! are you keepin' house here?" asked Eisenstein. "Sure," said Fuselli conceitedly. "Have you got any chawclit?" asked the chalky-faced boy in a thin bloodless voice. Fuselli looked round the shelves and threw a cake of chocolate down on the counter. "Anything else?" "Nothing, thank you, corporal. How much is it?"

She Wondered indignantly how she was going to conspire With this lad, who puffed out his infantile cheeks in order to conceitedly demonstrate that he did not understand the game at all. She hated Marjory for it. Evidently it was only the weaklings who fell in love with that girl. Coleman was an exception, but then, Coleman was misled, by extraordinary artifices.

Pumblechook winked assent; from which I at once inferred that he had never seen Miss Havisham, for she was nothing of the kind. "Good!" said Mr. Pumblechook conceitedly. "I am sure, uncle," returned Mrs. Joe, "I wish you had him always; you know so well how to deal with him." "Now, boy! What was she a doing of, when you went in today?" asked Mr. Pumblechook.

Oh Lilly, Lilly, idle Lilly, here are you soundly sleeping, and there is your parrot conceitedly thinking he can do the work of his lazy little mistress, and in another minute it will be all destroyed. Wake up, little sleeper, wake up, and collect those long curls floating like a raven curtain about you. Think what Madame will say if she catches but a glimpse of you.

The fact is, that by this time, to speak conceitedly, the obsession of the book was getting oppressive. Men could hardly sing for remembering, or, at least, without remembering, what others had sung before them, and became either slavishly imitative or wilfully recalcitrant to imitation.

'In vain do we boast of the enlightened eighteenth century, and conceitedly talk as if human reason had not a manacle left about her, but that philosophy had broken down all the strongholds of prejudice, ignorance, and superstition; and yet, at this very time, Mesmer has got a hundred thousand pounds by animal magnetism in Paris, and Mainaduc is getting as much in London.

Having delivered himself of this choice morsel of song, the half-witted fellow conceitedly challenged the attention of the group whom he had not hitherto been disposed to see. "'Spose you reckon I don't see you, riding 'longside of me, and saying nothing, but listening to my song.

I would have made the Celtic panegyrists look about them. Fingal, as they conceitedly term Fin-Mac-Coul, should have disappeared before my search, rolling himself in his cloud like the spirit of Loda. Such an opportunity can hardly again occur to an ancient and grey-haired man; and to see it lost by the madcap spleen of a hot-headed boy! But I submit Heaven's will be done!"

Instead, then, of dreaming conceitedly that God will accept us for our own sakes, let us just be content to be accepted for the sake of Jesus Christ our King.

"Well, that may be so," said Porthos, conceitedly, "so much, however, was that the case, in my instance, that no sooner did the luster fall upon the dome which we have at the top of our head, than there was a report like a cannon, the crystal was broken to pieces, and I fell, covered from head to foot." "With blood, poor Porthos!"