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A crowd of sympathizing neighbors and friends went out to meet the wonderful procession. Strong, willing arms relieved the weary bearers of their burden, and the sufferer was conveyed to his home, where his poor body was cleansed, and a healing ointment of wonderful efficacy and power applied to his wounds.

The lesson to be learned is that the fountain in which we have to be cleansed 'from sin and from uncleanness, whose waters are the lotion that will give eyesight to the blind, the true 'fountain of perpetual youth, which men have sought for in every land, is Christ Himself.

It is then passed through several covered channels and mechanically or chemically cleansed from every kind of inorganic impurity, and finally oxygenated or aerated with air which has undergone a yet more elaborate purification.

Then the empty tins returned from town have to be conveyed home with more rattling, thumping and booming of hollow tin there to be carefully cleansed, for which purpose vast quantities of hot water must be ready, and coal, of course, must be consumed in proportion. This beautiful afternoon the booming seems to sound more than usual; it may perhaps be the wind that carries the noise along. But Mr.

While the patient lies on this, cold towels must be changed on the front above the "apple" of the throat. Do this for an hour twice a day. Or, if the feet be cold, give treatment as in Teething. There must also be rest from talking. The brush must be carefully cleansed, and dipped in the strong acid after use. Especially is it necessary to give up, in such cases, the use of tobacco.

Rome is cleansed from her pollutions, and the virtues of household life begin to revive wherever they once existed. Death has thinned every family, but the survivors again assemble together in the social hall. Even the veriest criminals, the lowest outcasts of the population, are united harmlessly for a while in the general participation of the first benefits of peace.

A person, O chief of men, by feeding ten thousand Brahmanas, becomes cleansed of the piety and devoted to Yoga practices. A Brahmana conversant with the Vedas, by giving away food acquired by him as alms, unto a Brahmana devoted to the study of the Vedas, succeeds in attaining to happiness here.

O Bharata, he that eateth anything relating to the tirtha of Maninaga, if bitten by a venomous snake, doth not succumb to its poison. Residing there for one night, one is cleansed of one's sins. Then should one proceed to the favourite wood of the Brahmarshi Gautama. There bathing in the lake of Ahalya, one attaineth to an exalted state.

Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth. Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor poor farmers. A model farm! where the house stands like a fungus in a muckheap, chambers for men horses, oxen, and swine, cleansed and uncleansed, all contiguous to one another! Stocked with men! A great grease-spot, redolent of manures and buttermilk!

Sergeant Whitley had cleansed the blood and dust from his face, and a handkerchief tied neatly around his head covered up the small wound there. He looked trim and entirely restored, both mentally and physically. "Well, sergeant," said Dick ingratiatingly, "if any thing has happened in this army you're sure to know of it.