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They crossed the first range and searched the streams north of the Peace River pass, almost to the crest of the continent, but found no trace of the prospector. When the summer died and the wilderness was darkened by the Northern night, the search was abandoned. The years drifted into the past, and finally the Chinook Mining and Milling Company went to the wall.

We had heard instances of pilfering while we were among them, and therefore gave a general order excluding them from our encampment, so that whenever an Indian wished to visit us, he began by calling out 'No Chinook. It is not improbable that this first impression may have left a prejudice against them, since, when we were among the Clatsops and other tribes at the mouth of the Columbia, they had less opportunity of stealing, if they were so disposed."

The following summer that is, the second summer in the life of the Chinook Company Dawson dawned on the world. That year about half the floating population of the Republic went to Cuba and the other half to the Klondike.

Nevertheless, when morning came the trail was so drenched that it was impossible to travel on it. "We must wait till noon," said Kate. "That trail won't be dry enough to travel on for a week," I said disconsolately. "My dear; the chinook is blowing up," said Kate. "You don't know how quickly a trail dries in a chinook. It's like magic."

No one knew me, barring a few of the bucks I'd met over Sitka way, but I'd got most of their histories from Happy Jack. "Everybody talking Chinook, not guessing that I could spit it better than most; and principally two girls who'd run away from Haine's Mission up the Lynn Canal.

Knowing all the men of the Rogue River tribe, and speaking fluently the Chinook tongue, which they all understood, I went down to their village the following day, after having sent word to the tribe that I wished to have a council with them.

Arrived at the far edge of the timber, he could see the girl ahead of him, urging Challenge down the rain-gutted trail at a lope. As she pulled up at an abrupt turn, she waved to him. He accepted the challenge and, despite his better judgment, set spurs to Chinook. Round the next turn he reined up and leaped from his horse.

But it occasionally happens that after a snow-fall the Chinook wind will partially melt the snow, and then a sudden drop in the temperature leaves the prairies and foothills covered with a thin coating of ice.

As he went back he heard a musical humming in the tops of the pines and a lump of wet snow, slipping from a branch, struck his face. The humming grew louder until the wood was filled with sound, and he began to feel clammy and hot. A warm Chinook wind from the Pacific was sweeping up the valley, driving back the frost.

The H. B. C. had never imported it into the Chinook language, the common meeting-ground of all the tribes of the North; and the British men and native-born, who made the Fort their home, or place of sojourn, had never found need for its use.