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He was clean shaven, save a patch of short white chin-whiskers, and his big straight nose had a slight hook of shrewdness in it. Alice Westmore was reading the chapter her voice added to it an hundred fold: "Let not your heart be troubled.... Ye believe in God, believe also in me.... In my Father's house are many mansions...!" The lamplight fell on her hair.

He listened to the speeches made around him, but had no ideas to express. He was a pathetic figure. Only the accidents of Grasshopper Year, when legislative timber was scarce, could have placed him in such a position. His tough, shaven cheeks grew thinner day by day as he pulled at the brush of grizzled chin-whiskers and tried to understand what went on before him.

The sessions had invariably ended the same way Hiram Higgins, with the back of his hand underneath his chin, would stroke earnestly at his chin-whiskers, and remark: "Well, now, Mr. Madison, 'twon't do you a mite of harm to go out there an' see for yourself.

You just have to trust them and you'll have to trust me the same way. Just look, Ma " She took a five-dollar bill from her purse and spread it on the ironing-board before her mother. "Fifteen o' them every month! See the pictures that's on it, of the two grand old men. See the fine chin-whiskers on His Nibs here!

Ever see Bernhardt in 'L'Etrangere'? Well, the American husband is old Dryfoos all over; no mustache; and hay-colored chin-whiskers cut slanting froze the corners of his mouth. He cocked his little gray eyes at me, and says he: 'Yes, young man; my name is Dryfoos, and I'm from Moffitt.

Ever see Bernhardt in 'L'Etrangere'? Well, the American husband is old Dryfoos all over; no mustache; and hay-colored chin-whiskers cut slanting froze the corners of his mouth. He cocked his little gray eyes at me, and says he: 'Yes, young man; my name is Dryfoos, and I'm from Moffitt.

And another time a boar came out by the Westgate Oaks, and he was a black, hairy fellow, and so funny with his chin-whiskers all dotted with icicles that I began to say aloud: 'I swear by the beard On my chinny-chin-chin And of course he was off before I could pull trigger for laughing. Isn't that foolish?" "Adorably," he whispered. "You are finding the little girl in the garden, Geraldine."

He didnt seem no different from any other man. He was nince lookin' wore a long tail coat and his boots was plenty blacked. He favored pictures of Abraham Lincoln. Was about middle-height and had short, dark chin-whiskers. I were very busy at the time, an' if they was any excitement I didnt know it." "Yes, I've seen many a slave in my day. One of my boy playmates was a slave child.

Dey hunted all 'round fer ter git hol' her, cussin' an' threatenin', an' a haulin' me round; but 'twan't no sorter use. So finally dey took me 'long ter a boat in de crick a keel-boat, run by steam. Most de odder men disappeared; Ah never did know whar dey went, but dis yere Kurby, an' de man wif de chin-whiskers, dey done shut me up in de cabin.

The same misty group that had stood before the door of the express car shuffled into the dining room. In the light of the kerosene lamp they separated and became individuals. The minister, a pale, feeble-looking man with white hair and blond chin-whiskers, took his seat beside a small side table and placed his Bible upon it.