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In answering this question, I cannot do better than give a condensed rendering of certain pages in Hoefer's Histoire de la Chimie. The reader is supposed to be present at experiments conducted in the laboratory of a Grand Master of the Sacred Art in the 5th or 6th century. Experiment.

M. Cadet published some Conjectures on the formation of the ice in this cavern, in the Annales de Chimie, Nivôse, an XI. He saw the cave in the end of September 1791, and found very little ice not a third of what there had been a month before, according to the account of his guide.

He also wrote a letter dated Dec. 1, 1832, to Gay Lussac, who was then one of the editors of the 'Annales de Chimie, in which he analysed the results of the Italian philosophers, pointing out their errors, and defending himself from what he regarded as imputations on his character.

Suddenly there appeared in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique a long essay, reproduced from a lecture delivered by him before the Academy of Bavaria in 1868 and 1869.

Read before the Academy of Sciences in Paris. L'Institut, 1834, p. 418. Geolog. Transact. vol. ii. p. 528. In the Philosoph. Transact. Priestly has described some imperfect siliceous tubes and a melted pebble of quartz, found in digging into the ground, under a tree, where a man had been killed by lightning. Annals de Chimie et de Physique, tom. xxxvii. p. 319. Azara's Voyage, vol. i. p. 36.

In this case of blocks of alpine stones upon the Jura, the question is concerning the transportation of those stones; but, in other cases, the question may be how those blocks were formed. That many such blocks of stone are formed by the decay of the rock around them, is clearly proved by the observations of M. Hassenfratz, published in the Annales de Chimie, October 1791.

'It can't be helped! My father expects me; I can't loiter any longer. However, you can read Pelouse et Frémy, Notions générales de Chimie; it's a good book, and clearly written. You will find everything you need in it. 'But do you remember; you assured me a book cannot take the place of ... I've forgotten how you put it, but you know what I mean ... do you remember?

Riche has recently summed up in the Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie the state of the question as regards these two agents, and we in turn shall furnish a few data on the subject in taking the above named scientist as a guide. Mr. Dujardin Beaumetz some time ago asked Messrs.

Each cell of all the plants of this genus produces a large number of mobile cells zoospores. M. Berthelot, in the Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie for March, states that from peculiar physical relations he is led to suspect that the true element carbon is unknown, and that diamond and graphite are substances of a different order.

Wells's paper was published there appeared in France the third volume of the Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe d'Arcueil, and a new epoch in meteorology was inaugurated.