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"I was coming round that barn, my lady; you set off at a trot, my lady, and a cloud of fog came between us." "Yes, yes; but do you know the way home?" "I think, my lady, we are near the dike; but I wouldn't be certain." "I nearly as possible rode into a chalk-pit," said Mike. "Unpleasant as it is, I think we had better remain where we are until it clears."

"Have a care, Master Walter," cried the coachman, who had now managed, with the elder son's help, to release the frightened horse from the traces, and had given it in charge to the stable-boy, "have a care, or you'll be over into the chalk-pit, carriage and all." "All right, William," cried the boy; "you look after Beauty, and I'll look after myself."

Fortunately, the boy contrived to jump from his rolling prison before it reached the chalk-pit; but the wheel went on with such velocity as to outstrip its pursuers, and, rolling over the edge of the precipice, it was dashed to pieces.

Hanging over the edge of the chalk-pit was the squire's carriage. One horse had broken away from the traces, but the other was struggling violently, and seemed likely, in its plungings, to force the carriage still further over the precipitous side of the pit.

On my return home without a license, I had but a poor account to give, and the future prospect looked very gloomy. Plymouth, 1855. I occasionally preached in the parish church, and went to the daily Communion and the daily service. I laboured for hours and hours to try and make this great chalk-pit of a place look somewhat ecclesiastical.

I tore off the bandage from my eyes, and looking round, I saw him but a short distance from me, and discovered that we were at the bottom of a chalk-pit, with all our limbs safe and sound, instead of being both of us mangled corpses at the foot of High-Peak Cliff.

In a few moments all was bustle and excitement lights flashing; feet hurrying; voices shouting; and then a rush for the scene of danger and trouble. Outside the grounds in which the Manor-house stood were extensive grass lands on either side of the public road. In the field nearest to the drive-gate, and on the left as you entered it, was a deep and precipitous chalk-pit, now disused.

"Yes," muttered Jon, "life's beastly short. One wants to live forever, and know everything." "And love everybody?" "No," cried Jon; "I only want to love once you." "Indeed! You're coming on! Oh! Look! There's the chalk-pit; we can't be very far now. Let's run." Jon followed, wondering fearfully if he had offended her. The chalk-pit was full of sunshine and the murmuration of bees.

"They 're the spoils of a raid on Farmer Blogrim's chalk-pit. If eyes were made for seeing, see and admire admire and confess your admiration." He shook them at Anthony's face. But as Anthony looked at them with composure, and only muttered, "H'm," "Oh, my little scarlet starlets," he purred and chirped to the blossoms, "would n't the apathetic man admire you?"

I suppose it is a part of the haphazard life of the open air, and that if a tramp gets an old coat given him which is better than his own, he just leaves the old one behind him at the next halting-place. The chalk-pit to-day was full of cowslips and daisies, the former in quite incredible profusion. I suppose it is a cowslip year.