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Aaron was not indisposed to display his talents, even to an ogre, under protecting circumstances; and after a few more signs of coyness, consisting chiefly in rubbing the backs of his hands over his eyes, and then peeping between them at Master Marner, to see if he looked anxious for the "carril", he at length allowed his head to be duly adjusted, and standing behind the table, which let him appear above it only as far as his broad frill, so that he looked like a cherubic head untroubled with a body, he began with a clear chirp, and in a melody that had the rhythm of an industrious hammer

All silently, yet driven as if by the furies they sweep along, sometimes quite thin, sometimes thicker a real Ossianic night amid the whirl, absent or dead friends, the old, the past, somehow tenderly suggested while the Gael-strains chant themselves from the mists "Be thy soul blest, O Carril! in the midst of thy eddying winds. O that thou wouldst come to my hall when I am alone by night!

His impulse had been to be very civil on parting to a woman who did not wobble in the saddle, and happened to be the wife of a personality very important to a man always short of money. Then, turning to the small knot of silent Europeans looking on within earshot, he raised his voice protectingly "Senores, have no apprehension. Go on quietly making your Ferro Carril your railways, your telegraphs.

The northwest seaboard has been hitherto somewhat behind the movement, owing to a less complete railway communication with the rest of the country; now that this is no more a reproach, the fine natural harbours of Rivadeo, Vivero, Carril, Pontevedra, Vigo, and Coruña, are gradually following suit, some with more vigour than others.

Leaving Parana, the steamer passes, at a short distance above the city, the saladero of Messrs. Carbo y Carril, a picturesque spot situated on a cliff.

Frankness and plain-speaking being, as you doubtless know, the distinguishing mark of the Caracunan statesman." The sarcasm was not lost upon Mr. Brewster, but it failed to shake his skepticism. "There are some business matters that require that I should go to the office of the Ferro carril del Norte this afternoon," he said. "I beg that you do nothing of the sort," cried Sherwen sharply.

"And he's got a voice like a bird you wouldn't think," Dolly went on; "he can sing a Christmas carril as his father's taught him; and I take it for a token as he'll come to good, as he can learn the good tunes so quick. Come, Aaron, stan' up and sing the carril to Master Marner, come." Aaron replied by rubbing his forehead against his mother's shoulder. "Oh, that's naughty," said Dolly, gently.