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As for me, I have never blamed her at all, for she is the kind of woman I should have loved. In the meantime Nino carolled out one love song after another. He saw, however, that the situation was untenable, and after a while he rose to go. Strange to say, although the baroness had asked Nino to breakfast and the hour was now at hand, she made no effort to retain him.

In church the sermons he sat under dwelt mainly on the technical difficulties involved in a sinner's salvation, and neither helped nor harmed him; he never heard them. One clear voice in the midst of the singing was all that engaged his ear, and when it carolled, "He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass," the notes themselves were to him the cooling shower.

Again, in heart and in fancy, stand by my side on the desolate bridge, hand in hand, orphans both, as we stood in the days so sorrowful, yet, as I recall them, so sweet? Helen in England it is a dream!" He rose, half-consciously, and went to the window. The fountain played merrily before his eyes, and the birds in the aviary carolled loud to his ear.

And upstairs in her room June sat at her open window, where the spring wind came, after its revel across the Park, to cool her hot cheeks and burn her heart. Two lines of a certain song in a certain famous old school's songbook run as follows: 'How the buttons on his blue frock shone, tra-la-la! How he carolled and he sang, like a bird!...

It sang a thin, sweet song in Lynette's little rose-tipped ears. And innumerable larks carolled, building spiral towers of melody on fields of buoyant air. And suddenly a human note mingled with their music and with the thick drone of the little, black-and-grey humble-bees that feasted on the corn-bottles. And Lynette's visionary companion was upon the instant gone.

"We came pretty near to being goners, Dol, I tell you!" carolled Cyrus again from his high perch in the hemlock, carrying on a by-play with the enemy between each sentence. "How in the name of wonder did you manage such a call? It would have moved the heart-strings of any moose.

But this" he charged a plate with bread, butter, and marmalade "this honest, homely Scottish marmalade, this can always be depended upon to fill the crannies." And therewith he broke into song. "To fill the crannies, The mannie's crannies, Then hey for the sweeties of bonny Dundee!" he carolled lustily. "Let me see I was saying?" he resumed.

Abu Isa looked at her and his tears choked him; so that the company marvelled at him. Then she turned to al-Maamun and said to him, "O Commander of the Faithful, wilt thou give me leave to change the words?" Said he, "Sing what thou wilt;" so she played a merry measure and carolled these couplets, "If thou should please a friend who pleaseth thee * Frankly, in public practise secrecy.

The birds carolled gaily in the little grove that is formed about the fountain which fronts the governor-general's palace and the main barracks of the army, while the fresh, soft air from inland came loaded with delicious flavors and sweet aroma. Nature could hardly have assumed a more captivating mood than she wore at that time.

This done, she sang and carolled out so clear, That men and angels might rejoice to hear; Even wondering Philomel forgot to sing, And learned from her to welcome in the Spring." That is Dryden's, and this is how Chaucer tells of the same May morning: