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And she will get a little air and style when he takes her to London. It was a tremendous offence even to hint that Ellen's style was capable of improvement; perhaps an unprejudiced eye would have said that the difference was between high-bred simplicity and the air of fashion and society.

"I didn't know, sir," ventured Farley, "that submarines could go quite so fast." "The old types didn't," Lieutenant Jack answered. "However, on the surface a capable submarine must be able to show a good deal of speed." "For getting away, sir?" "Oh, no. Naturally, when a submarine is pursued she can drop under the surface and leave no trail.

The man held himself firmly in hand. Her calmness had infected him, and he felt that this was not an occasion for romantic protestations, even had he felt capable of making them, which was not the case. As a matter of fact, such things were singularly foreign to his nature. "Even that would go a long way with me, if I could get nothing better," he declared. "Besides, you might change.

She felt every pang to the depth of her natural, spontaneous being, and the humiliation and the deep distress of having been abandoned in the sight of men, perhaps the profoundest pang of which nature is capable. "He trusted in God that he would deliver him: let him deliver him if he will have him." That which her Lord had borne, the little sister had now to bear.

I continued to be greatly interested in the relations between Erik and Christine Daae, not from any morbid curiosity, but because of the terrible thought which obsessed my mind that Erik was capable of anything, if he once discovered that he was not loved for his own sake, as he imagined.

Five years later Ashburnham Park was the scene of captive ascents made with another mammoth balloon, containing no less than 350,000 cubic feet of pure hydrogen, and capable of lifting 11 tons. It was built at a cost of 28,000 francs by M. Giffard, the well-known engineer and inventor of the injector for feeding steam engines.

She had a sickening impression that Percival would fail to play the part according to her conception. In fact, he was quite capable of not playing it at all. Moreover, there was Olga Obosky to be reckoned with.

She's going to get him into something bad some day. He'll do anything she wants. And she's capable of putting him up to anything." "Willets is weak, when it comes to women ... don't drink much ... a hard worker ... everybody likes him....

It renders it, however, capable of resisting the powers of fermentation, digestion, and perhaps several others, which are well known to act on the same matter when deprived of the living principle and entirely to decompose it."

The ingredients of this satisfaction he set forth as follows: a willingness not to expect more from life than life is capable of bestowing; an intelligent interest in the objects of mental culture; genuine private affections; and a sincere interest in the public good.