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Lady Charlotte was greatly moved by the yearning in the voice, but, controlling herself, she said gaily: "Oh, I can't show it to you as your Pilot can, but I'll tell you what I saw." "Turn me where I can see," said Gwen to me, and I wheeled her toward the window and raised her up so that she could look down the trail toward the canyon's mouth.

Scores of wiry, long-legged steers had drifted down the ridges or gulches that led to the canon; and many a cow, followed by its calf, had stumbled forward to the herd and apparently accepted the inevitable. But before Helen Messiter had well started out of the canyon's mouth the situation changed absolutely.

Ahead there was no way a cat could scarce have scaled that formidable barrier but to the right he discerned what appeared to be a steep and winding pathway up the canyon's side, and with a bound he clambered along it to where it surmounted the rocky wall. There he turned, winded, to await the oncoming foe.

Foodless and scared, the picnickers huddled far up the little canyon's side and sat awed and watchful as the lightning flashed about them and the waters rose beneath them. The torrent of rain loosened the soil above, and they were so drenched in clay-colored water coming down, and sat so still beneath it, that they looked like cheap terra cotta images.

He had a splendid pair of horns, which we would have liked to have had at home, but which we did not care to amputate and carry with us. On this day's travel, we passed a number of places where the marble which had suggested this canyon's name to Major Powell appeared. The exposed parts were checked, or seamed, and apparently would have little commercial value.

Twice she lost a stirrup and grabbed the saddle horn to save herself from going over his head. They neared a sharp turn, and it took all her strength to pull her horse to the inside and save him from plunging off down the canyon's side. The nose of the hill hid for a moment her dad, and in that moment she heard a crash and knew what had happened.

At breakfast the girl had noticed the tall man they had encountered at the canyon's edge quietly engaged in eating at a small table in a far corner of the great dining room. During the forenoon he came from the hotel to the porch and for a time stood looking far away over the canyon.

"If you will carry the front," said Swan politely, "it will not be heavy for you like this. But you will help me keep it steady." Lorraine was past discussing anything. She obeyed him silently, lifting the end of the stretcher and leading the way down to the canyon's bottom, where Swan assured her they could walk quite easily and would save many détours which the road above must take.

Look to the south and you see the Navajo Reservation, and the glorious, glowing Painted Desert. If peaceful scenes cloy, and you hanker for a thrill, drop your glance to the Colorado River, foaming and racing a mile or so below. Sunset from this point will linger in my memory while I live. A weird effect was caused by a sudden storm breaking in the Canyon's depths.

With such an excellent guide as Bob Watson we have no hesitation in striking out in any direction and in a short time Mt. Great groves of willows and alders cover immense areas of the canyon's sides, while we pass a giant red fir with a diameter of fully six feet.