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All these accidents must be met and the damages repaired. The surgeon must be summoned. We must first understand how a wound heals on a tree. The exposed wound itself does not heal; it is covered and inclosed by tissue built out from the edges or periphery of the wound. This tissue is like a roll. It is the callus.

"Buccaneers, you callus," Wiley went on; "well, we'll have no more of that, or there'll be trouble at Fort O'Angel." "Ah, sure y'are only jokin'," said Macavoy, "for I love ye, ye scoundrels. It's only me fun." "For fun like that you'll pay, ruffian!" said Hatchett, bringing down his fist on the table with a bang. Macavoy stood up.

When the fracture takes place in the body of the bone, it is transverse or somewhat oblique, but there is scarcely any displacement. A simple bandage will be sufficient for the reduction of these fractures, which may be removed in ten or twelve days, when the preparatory callus has acquired some consistence.

Against him it was argued by Asinius Callus, "That with the growth of the Empire private riches were likewise grown, and it was no new thing for citizens to live according to their conditions, but agreeable to the most primitive usage: the ancient Fabricii and the later Scipios, having different wealth, lived differently; but all suitably to the several stages of the Commonwealth.

Rather it was cold, appraising even, if he had known it, despairing. Lethway had been busy. She had been in the back of his mind rather often, but other things had crowded her out. This new glimpse of her fired him again, however. And she had a new quality that thrilled even through the callus of his soul.

The growth of these grubs was interesting to me. When an acorn or hickory-nut had sent up its first season's sprout, a few inches long, it was burned off in the autumn grass fires; but the root continued to hold on to life, formed a callus over the wound and sent up one or more shoots the next spring.

Peter, keenly alive to everything she did, felt rather than heard her soft sob. Peter saw the hospital anew that dark afternoon, saw it through Harmony's eyes. Layer after layer his professional callus fell away, leaving him quick again. He had lived so long close to the heart of humanity that he had reduced its throbbing to beats that might be counted.

Here belonged Caesar, his father-in-law Piso, who was Philodemus' patron, Manlius Torquatus, the consulars Hirtius, Pansa, and Dolabella, Cassius the liberator, Trebatius the jurist, Atticus, Cicero's life-long friend, Cicero's amusing correspondents Paetus and Callus, and many others.

Before putting it in place, go over its roots and cut off the ends of all that were severed in taking it up. Use a sharp knife in doing this, and make a clean, smooth cut. A callus will form readily if this is done, but not if the ends of the large roots are left in a ragged, mutilated condition.

Muscular and tendinous contraction, together with the natural tendency for the beveled contacting parts of the broken bone to pass one another in oblique fracture, results in shortening of the leg and, if union results, a large callus usually forms. Where shortening of bones occur, necessarily, permanent lameness follows. Wounds of the Anterior Brachial Region. Etiology and Occurrence.