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Callery," he said cordially "you and Mr. Stobo I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. But it isn't a bit of use, you know! I'm positively not going to kill anybody to-day." "Yes, sir," said Callery. "Here's the door, Mr. Varney." "This one?" "Yes, sir. He come runnin' down the steps, spoke a word to the clerk, and then he dodges down here and slams the door behind him.

After years of domestic life, on which he is said to look back but rarely and with reluctance, he got a position as secretary and shoeblack and tutor in Chinese to a M. Callery, and left the province of Chin-li for Paris. For three months this devoted man sent Quzia-Tom-Alacer small sums of money, and after that his kindness became, as Douglas Jerrold said, unremitting.

And as they walked, Varney's tongue unloosed, and he spoke his still incredible happiness aloud: only, because he was not Latin and exuberant, he spoke it according to the indirect uses of his race. "That man we passed standing in the hall the one with the face of incredulity and chagrin was old Callery horribly miffed because you and I failed to lock in mortal combat.

He's a fine fellow, Callery is, only I imagine he's had a lot of hard luck. Did you ever see a prettier little hotel than this I mean, of course, for a town of this size? Look! That's the clerk behind the desk there. An amazingly clever fellow you just ought to have seen how sharp he was in knowing where you were and that's a Cypriani cigar he's smoking, if you'd like to know.

Maginnis, as my orders was. He was that set on interviewin' this here party but Lor', he'd give him to you, same's himself. Only are you sure you're feelin' up to it to-day, Mr. Varney? If mebbe you'd let me'r Callery go along now, just in case, y' know " Varney gave an answer which Mr. Stobo found completely reassuring.

It seems certain that after the death of his first employer, Callery, he was in destitution; that M. Theophile Gautier, with his well-known kindness and love of curiosities, took him up, and got him lessons in Chinese, and it seems equally certain that in February, 1872, he married a certain Caroline Julie Liegeois.

"My partner was with me Callery and we shadows our party to the Palace Hotel where he takes Room 41 and sneaks upstairs. Callery's sitting in the lobby now, and I runs out to take the tip to Mr. Maginnis but Lord bless you, Mr. Varney " He pointed out the open door in the direction of the little speaker's stand where Peter sat impregnably walled in on all sides by dense human masses.

He started gayly down the dim hall to the right of the desk, swinging his stick and humming to himself; and presently became aware that a man was following silently at his elbow. "It's me Callery," said the man apologetically, as Varney turned. "I I 'll just be here, Mr. Varney, you know, if anything's wanted." Varney laughed again. "You're mighty good to me, Mr.