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“I shall never, never believe,” Nastya prattled, “that the old women find babies among the cabbages in the kitchen-garden. It’s winter now and there are no cabbages, and so the old woman couldn’t have taken Katerina a daughter.” Kolya whistled to himself. “Or perhaps they do bring babies from somewhere, but only to those who are married.”

And when his friends learned that he planned to go on an excursion to Farmer Green's garden patch there wasn't one of them that didn't say he would like to go too. Jimmy Rabbit said he really ought to have a look at the cabbages. And if Nimble didn't mind he thought it would be pleasant to join the party.

His arrival now broke up the breakfast party, and was accepted as a signal that the day's labors must really be attacked. Mrs. Goudie and Mary pushed back their chairs with a horrid scrooping noise, Mavis got up briskly, the baby awoke and began to cry. "No, thank you, Mr. Druitt. Nothing this morning." "I've some sweet-hearted cabbages outside." "No, thank you."

In the churches all are alike: there is one faith, one smell. The entrance of Victor Emanuel into Rome is only the pompous proclamation of a unity which garlic had already accomplished; and yet we, who boast of our democracy, eat onions in secret. I now see that I have left out many of the most moral elements. Neither onions, parsnips, carrots, nor cabbages are here.

Happen-so. I did when I said it." "I'm ready . I'm ready now. We'll be married tomorrow, if you don't mind." "But will I sell my cabbages twice, I wonder? I've had a change of heart since, if I must tell you." "Surely not in this short space of time," Rackby gasped, dismayed. A light throbbed in her eye. "Well, perhaps I haven't." The storm petrel hovered high, swooped close, her lips parted.

In the vegetable market were heaped huge piles of potatoes, scrubbed till their pink skins shone, great ropes of red onions braided together by their dried tops, turnips, artichokes, garlic, winter squashes, white and purple cabbages, celery and egg plant and many varieties of greens and early vegetables.

Her remarks and reflections; though borrowing the aid of homely imagery and doing occasional violence to the nicer usages of speech, were not without philosophical discrimination. I like a gentleman that is a gentleman. But there's a difference in what folks call gentlemen as there is in what you put on table. There is cabbages and there is cauliflowers. There is clams and there is oysters.

When it was praised he was profuse in his acknowledgments; but if a critical captain asked him how it was that, though the ship was sailing before the wind, yet her colours were all flying aft, or inquired whether it was grass or cabbages she sailed upon, Oliver was less eager to claim any artistic ability, and hurried the critic into the house lest he should also discover that the shrouds had been omitted by the painter.

"Do you grow cabbages in your garden?" he asked, "or or diamonds?" "How's that?" demanded the other; then as if he had recovered from a momentary surprise, "Oh, a little of both." "Both!" "But but this ain't what you'd call a good year for diamonds. Nope. Too many cutworms." Johnnie wanted to ask if all gardeners wore hairy trousers. Then thought of a subject even more interesting.

Butter rose to five dollars a pound, cabbages were sold by the leaf. Early in the siege, eggs were three dollars a dozen, and milk soon became unattainable. "Poor little babies died like flies," says an eye-witness. Fuel, too, was growing very scarce and very dear.