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He got some wonderful results, two of which were records of the death of two lionesses. Upon the first of these occasions the beaters had worked down a long stretch of swamp and had almost reached the end. Suddenly they showed an agitated interest in something in front of them. They thought it was a lion until an innocent by-stander made an unauthorized guess that it was a hyena.

For the former it has the impossibility of ballot-stuffing, for the by-stander can keep accurate tally; also the opportunity for the voter to display the courage of his conviction, which is ever manly and the purpose of a representative Commonwealth. This is its mission, the faithful execution of its fiat, the palladium of liberty for all the people.

These still continued the contest, grew heated with their rivalry, and were in a fair way to raise the price to something positively absurd, when a by-stander stepped forward and addressed them. "Before this contest goes farther," he said, "permit me to say a few words. Of all here present, it is I, I believe, who have the best right to the portrait in dispute."

However, perhaps he was merely engaged in 'upholding the ancient dignity of the Senate, then." "No, the modern dignity of it," said another by-stander. "It don't resemble its ancient dignity but it fits its modern style like a glove." There being no law against making offensive remarks about U. S. Senators, this conversation, and others like it, continued without let or hindrance.

However, perhaps he was merely engaged in 'upholding the ancient dignity of the Senate, then." "No, the modern dignity of it," said another by-stander. "It don't resemble its ancient dignity but it fits its modern style like a glove." There being no law against making offensive remarks about U. S. Senators, this conversation, and others like it, continued without let or hindrance.

Doesn't any one know anything? What does it mean?" "It means a battle, Miss, that's one thing," remarked on obliging by-stander who leaned heavily upon a wooden leg. "Bless you, I kin a'most taste the powder." He smacked his lips and spat into the dust.

"Here's Morrison coming down the street," he said, in a tone of excitement. "All right," said Warren, "this is my chance." "You daren't arrest him," a by-stander said. "Daren't I, by ," he replied. "Here, give me a drink of whiskey." He quaffed the glass, and went out to the front. Donald was coming towards him. He saw Warren, and crossed to the other side to avoid him.

Some wise observer of the working of human passions has said that men always hate more or less those to whom they owe money. This is a reason why there should ordinarily be very few pecuniary transactions between friends. At length, as one of the Jews who was outside was attempting to go in, a by-stander at the gate cried out, "Here comes a Jew!" and struck at him.

"What a glorious set of fellows!" said the English people over their beer at home. And as this is a thing still said, both over beer and higher liquors, and perhaps is liable to be too much insisted on, I will give, from a caudid By-stander, who knows the matter well, what probably is a more solid and circumstantially correct opinion.

But nothing seemed to please Roderick better than to lay hold of a person infected with jealousy, which he represented as an enormous green reptile, with an ice-cold length of body, and the sharpest sting of any snake save one. "And what one is that?" asked a by-stander, overhearing him.